CreativeMinds Posts by Dmitriy Kaprielov

Dmitriy Kaprielov
Dmitriy Kaprielov is part of WordPress experts and editorial team. CreativeMinds have been creating WordPress products since 2006, and has become a good resource of WordPress premium plugins and WordPress reviews.

How Do WordPress Plugins Work?

How Do WordPress Plugins Work?

It seems like there is a plugin for just about everything you could possibly want to do with your WordPress website. This is a good thing. Plugins give your site utility beyond the standard functions of your chosen theme. This begs the question: How do WordPress plugins work?

Can You Edit WordPress Plugins?

Can You Edit WordPress Plugins?

Can you edit WordPress plugins? WordPress is an open-source content management system.

This means that the code for WordPress is offered up free under a license that allows anyone and everyone to study, change, and distribute changes and additions to anyone and for any purpose. So you can edit WordPress plugins, but there are important things to consider.

Can WordPress Plugins Contain Viruses?

Can WordPress Plugins Contain Viruses?

Let’s start with the basics to set the scene. Before diving into the potential security threat of a plugin let’s discuss what a WordPress (WP) plugin is and does.

Where they come from and what they do can help understand their vulnerabilities and give you a little perspective on their development. This is essential to figuring out: Can WordPress Plugins Contain Viruses?

What Are WordPress Plugins Used For?

What Are WordPress Plugins Used For?

A WordPress site isn’t an off the shelf solution. It is more of a collection of building blocks.

You don’t need to be an engineer to build a log cabin. However, the quality and functionality of the log cabin is based on the developer’s imagination and use of plugins.

What Language Are WordPress Plugins Written In?

What Language Are WordPress Plugins Written In?

For the content management system, WordPress, and the plugins to effectively and efficiently work together they need to be able to communicate in the same language.

If the plugins and the base WordPress core were developed through different coding languages you would be stuck with multiple arms of the website that couldn’t speak or work together. This is problematic to say the least.

Where Are My WordPress Plugins Options Stored?

Where Are My WordPress Plugins Options Stored?

When you use any type of WordPress plugin there are associated options that often need to be filled out for proper use. This could include account information, preference settings, or content and variable creation. Regardless of the actual utility of the option it is handled the same way by WordPress.

The more options a WordPress plugin has the more data will need to be stored by the content management system.

Where Are The WordPress Plugins Stored?

Where Are The WordPress Plugins Stored?

Where are the WordPress plugins stored is a great question. WordPress has adopted a highly standardized and easy to use common directory for all core files and folders.

This allows every plugin to be easy stored, updated, edited, and managed. This also allows for non-technical end users to manage their data without having a degree in computer engineering.

Are WordPress Plugins Open Source?

Are WordPress Plugins Open Source?

If you are running WordPress and have plugins and themes that you need to customize to fit the goals of your website then you need to understand your rights as a holder of that package of software. Similarly if you are modifying software to distribute to others you need to know if you can legally do this.

You need to understand the GNU GPL.

Are WordPress Plugins Free?

Are WordPress Plugins Free?

Are WordPress plugins free is an important question. Quick answer: A lot of time, yes! Most WordPress plugins are free. But that doesn’t mean they are the best option.

How do you find free plugins? Are all plugins free or just some? Well, just like everything in life there is no such thing as a free lunch. But that doesn’t mean that a lunch for a small price isn’t worth it. WordPress sites run off of plugins. These plugins give the site its utility, charm, and uniqueness. So let’s discuss: are WordPress plugins free?

Are WordPress Plugins Safe to Use?

Are WordPress Plugins Safe to Use?

So you are making a website and want to use or are using WordPress.

Congratulations! You’ve joined the millions across the globe including major corporate brands in how they grow their audience, clients, and followers. WordPress is the most used web content management system in the word and has over 50,000 available plugins for interactive WordPress use.

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