Exploring Customer Service-Based Magento Extensions From CreativeMinds

Courtney Jones

There are a lot of Magento extensions available today which add functionality and provide solutions to Magento in order to make an eCommerce business more successful.

Exploring Customer Service-Based Magento Extensions From CreativeMinds

Magento extensions are developed and designed to help the admin, vendors, or suppliers more easily complete the work that they need to do.

Customer service is a major part of any business. It’s important to send, track, and complete orders in a timely manner for your customers. This means your business needs to be organized to ship efficiently from the moment an order is made.

Communicating with customers is another large part of being a business. Anytime a customer has a question or concern, they will need to deal with a customer service representative, so you can help a sale or other issue.

When it comes to having a Magento store, it’s important to be prepared for any situation that arises, from order delays, to customer service complaints.

However, there are some tools which can help eliminate some of these issues and make organizing orders and dealing with customers a bit easier, so the business can be successful.

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Customer Service Products

Customer Service Products - Exploring Customer Service-Based Magento Extensions From CreativeMinds

We have many popular Magento extensions, like the CM Multi-Vendor Marketplace, CM Sales Recovery and the rest of our Magento extensions.

  • Sales Rep Commission Manager – an easy to use module that enables to track sales reps performance and motivate them for success using financial incentives
  • Fancy FAQ Extension – allows the admin to save customer service time by displaying customized FAQ on an organized page with categories and sub-categories
  • Product Questions Extension – enables your customers to ask questions directly on your store’s product page
  • Custom Coupon Code Error Messages Extension – allows store administrators to create, track, and display custom coupon error messages when customers attempt to apply a coupon code to their shopping cart

Sales Rep Commission Manager

The Sales Rep Commission Manager for Magento 2 is an easy way to manage and track sales representative and sales performance over time.

This extension creates helps admin create an overall better customer service experience while assigning sales reps to customer orders and accounts easily.

The main feature of this extension allows admin to measure how much your product resellers are selling and generate sales rep reports based on their individual performance.

Sales reports are used to make helpful decisions about managing your customer base, sales dealer and reps.

Admin have the ability to create custom checkout messages, let customers pick their own customer representative, and automatically credit manual orders to a specific sales representative.

The admin can also assign customers to sales reps to create a more personalized experience. Each purchase from that customer will result in a commission for the sales rep.

In addition, admin can set commission rates based on performance, track dealer commission earnings, customize commission rates for sales reps, and show sale agents commission status.

The Sales Rep Commission Manager for Magento 2 also adds a new sales representative dashboard to the admin panel. This is where sales representatives can view their earned commissions and monthly orders.

Benefits of Sales Rep Reports

Benefits of Sales Rep Reports - Exploring Customer Service-Based Magento Extensions From CreativeMinds

For sales rep reports, admin can easily view and track sales rep to see who sells the most products each week, month or individual day.

The admin can also track changes in seller performance over time, just by viewing the backend dashboard. It’s possible to see which sales reps have the highest return rates as well.

Also, the admin can view the exact orders that are placed for each individual sales rep, as well as view pending and fully paid-out employee commission earnings.

The Fancy FAQ Extension

The Fancy FAQ extension for Magento 2 creates a FAQ page with question categories and an autocomplete search bar to easily find questions.

The FAQ page is organized by category and subcategory, and is a fully responsive design. Start typing a sentence and the autocomplete will show all the relevant questions available.

Create a simple FAQ layout, to manage questions and answers via the admin panel, or set p organization by categories on the FAQ page.

There is also a navigation menu to show all question categories and subcategories or show featured questions as well. These categories can easily be moved around or changed with a drag and drop layout.


The Product Questions Extension

The Product Questions Extension for Magento 2 allows the customers to directly ask questions about products on the product pages.

In the backend, the admin has the ability to manage the question, and either deny it or approve it so the question and answer will appear on the product page.

A question form appears on each product page, so users can see already answered questions about the product, and submit more questions.

This extension lets both vendors and admin manage questions from customers and decide which questions and answers should be shown on a product page.

The Custom Coupon Code Error Message Extension

The Custom Coupon Code Error Message Extension for Magento 2 creates customized messages to be displayed at checkout to explain coupon code errors. There is also a report that shows the amount of coupon usage and error messages.

The error messages explain clearly the reason why a coupon code can’t be applied at checkout. Customers will still complete their sales if they know why a coupon isn’t working at checkout.

In addition, these coupon code error messages are available in a variety of different languages, and can include details explanations of why coupons won’t work.


These Magento modules add excellent functionality to your Magento store. They easily provide solutions to issues, so that your e-Commerce store remains running smoothly all the time.

The Sales Rep Commission Extension, the Fancy FAQ Extension and the Custom Coupon Code Error Message Extension for Magento 2 all play a key role in maintaining and improving your customer service experience, by providing excellent order management.

The Sales Rep Commission Extension ensures that sales reps are assigned to new clients and then orders from those clients are automatically sent to that specific sales rep. This creates a client and sales rep relationship.

The admin has the ability to select commission rates, override and change them, and see how sales reps have performed over time. See daily, monthly or weekly reports and see who has the highest return rate. This is a quality check for all sales reps.

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