Invite Users To Add Questions And Answers To Your FAQ

Carlos Oliveira

There’s nothing more frustrating than not finding the answer to your question. Eliminate that frustration for your customers by allowing them to add questions to your FAQ.

Invite Users To Add Questions And Answers To Your FAQ

Everyone has been there: fancied a product, wanted to know more, accessed the website and… got frustrated with questions. Maybe the answers were buried inside long paragraphs or perhaps they weren’t there at all. Solving this scenario is one of the powers of the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).

FAQs help users getting rid of any easy or tricky questions quickly. On the other side, the business owners can serve many different customers inquiries at once.

The CM FAQ User Submission Add-on represents a next step.

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FAQ Community

Question submitted by user

The FAQ User Submission

The add-on lets users add questions to the FAQ, even assigning categories and tags to them. The admin can use moderation tools to allow different roles to create questions and to answer them.

Other advanced features include Captcha support for security and privacy settings, such as Terms of Service, for GDPR compliance.

Important reminder: the User Submission Add-on requires the base FAQ Plugin to be installed in order to work.

The Importance of a FAQ

Still not convinced? The research FAQs Still Deliver Great Value, by the Nielsen Group, brings up the following benefits of FAQs:

  • Set the Tone of the Organization
  • Provide Decision Support for Prospects, Customers, and Recommenders
  • Improve Your Website’s SEO and Increase Site Visits
  • Reduce the Burden on Customer Support Staff
  • Route Visitors to Other Key Content
  • Serve as an Early Response System for Urgent Problems
  • Contribute to Your Continuous Improvement Cycle
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