Online directories are an incredibly useful online tool for organizing and posting helpful information. This information is beneficial to both the directory owner and its users.
Online directories are basically websites full of relevant information on a specific topic, since they contain large amounts of data within a variety of categories. When searching online for a hotel, restaurant, business, etc., these directories provide all the information on one website for your convenience.
There are dozens of different types of online directories as well, since they are lots of different businesses and industries. The most common and most needed types of directories involve everyday industries like hospitality, travel, business, videos, jobs, events, education, and more.
For example, if you have a travel directory, people can search for specific cities as well as specific countries or languages. These different search topics create both separate categories and searchable keywords.
Having different keywords and terms increase your website’s SEO and overall results. Having an online directory is a simple and user-friendly way to start an online business as well, and they are easy to build with WordPress.
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1) Real Estate Directory
A Real estate directory is an easy way to list all properties up for sale in an online portal which customers can use to browse through properties. The different categories of this directory can be homes, condos, properties for rent, and properties for sale.
There can also be sub categories or filters for price, location, amenities, etc. This type of directory would include maps of local areas for sellers to be able to list their properties and buyers to be able to browse by area.
2) Hospitality Directory
The hospitality industry is a very specific and incredibly large niche. Hotels and restaurants are in cities and towns across the planet, although directories for them tend to be based on a specific location.
Categories and listings for this directory can be broken down into areas like cafes, restaurants, bistros, diners, and bars with filters for prices, type of food, etc. Also hotels, motels, Bed and breakfasts, Airbnb, etc with filters for price, location, type and more.
Our business directory plugin lets businesses upload videos, images, all location information and integrates with Google Maps. Also, there is excellent payment support with great search filtering and improved website SEO.
3) Travel Directory
A travel directory is a broad type of directory, which can focus on travel for a certain city or town, complete with listings for local attractions and activities. Or users can create a travel review directory to explain travels which have been taken and allow people to browse based on experiences they want to explore.
Travel directories are always filled with maps, so that users can see the information or places that they wish to visit or learn more about. Filters for categories can be countries, languages, price, type of travel, activities, price, length of trip and more.
Our Locations plugin allows the admin to create multiple maps with different locations. A perfect way to display travel tips and logs.
4) Video Directory
Video directories can be educational and entertaining, as well as have the ability to control which users can visit the content. These directories can include online courses for students or an online portal for people with an interest in sports, art, music, dancing and other types of videos.
Our Video Lessons Manager plugin lets admin easily create and sell online courses and is an excellent e-learning option. Also, video content can be simply uploaded and all progress can be tracked through reports, with third-party payment options available and easily integrated.
5) Business Directory
A business directory is a way to post all business listings anywhere on the planet, in a specific area or by a certain type of business. Location based businesses can include helpful maps and allow businesses to upload and edit their listings themselves.
Our business directory plugin lets businesses upload videos, images, all location information and integrates with Google Maps. Also, there is excellent payment support with great search filtering and improved website SEO.
6) Expert Directory
An expert directory is a place where users can get information that they need quickly from a variety of experts. These directories tend to be more of a ask the question and get an answer setup, with various categories for different types of questions or expertise that is needed.
Our expert directory plugin provides multiple experts for an unlimited amount of categories and whatever expert answers a question first is assigned that category. Users can ask direct questions to the experts and admin can set costs for posting questions.
7) Classifieds Directory
A classifieds directory is a simple way to create a directory listing for products or for people.
Different categories for classifieds can be automobiles, books, appliances, housing, jobs and even people looking for connections.
8) Job Directory
A job directory is an online information exchange that allows job posters to list their jobs for job seekers to find. Some directories also allows job seekers to upload their resumes and information for job posters.
These job directories are usually categorized by the types of jobs or the niche business field that the job requires. Additional filters are location, salary, type or job (part-time or full-time), and job details.
9) Events Directory
Events directories are a catalog of events that include categories like sports, concerts, festivals, food events, art events and more. They can also be niche directories like live entertainment events only, or charity events.
These event directories can be categorized or filtered by event organizers, location, price, venue and many other options, and allow users to purchase tickets through the same website.
The Booking Calendar plugin is a great way to showcase different calendars – for instance, the charity events calendar, the music concerts calendar and so on.
10) Deals Directory
One of the few directories without the need of a map is the deal directory. These websites provide images or coupon codes or deals for all types of products and companies. They are largely image based, and let businesses post their deals for users to find.
11) Course Directory
eLearning is a promising field, and course directories help showcasing courses and enrolling students. They tend to fare well as SEO too if the course pages have rich information.
The Course Catalog plugin fits the bill by providing a separate page for each course, different catalog views and student enrollment. Add-ons allow you to enable payments, calendars, a back-end dashboard and more.
12) Review Directory
A review directory will allow for consumers to post reviews and opinions on various products or services. Users post honest reviews and allow comments and voting on the posts for other users to agree or disagree and create evidence of how effective the product or service is.
Review directories tend to be product reviews or movie reviews and exist to allow consumers to rate their experience with a product or service. Our reviews plugin allows videos, images, and all relevant product information as well as full payment support.
In conclusion, there are many different types of directories which can be created with WordPress. These directories can cover everything from online course directories to staffing directories to job directories and product directories.