M2 Sales Rep Commission Manager Plugin Version History (Changelog)
Version 1.4.7 from the 23rd Jan 2025
- Fixed the issue with the multiple choices Order Status field in the salesrep reports under admin.
Version 1.4.6 from the 16th Oct 2024
- Fixed the issue in the commission report when the 'rep_commission_status' field in the 'salesrep' table is null or empty. Under certain conditions, when setting up the report, such orders are not received for the report. Now they are considered as 'Unpaid'.
Version 1.4.4 from the 1st July 2024
- Fixed a bug with saving a customer when the "no Manager" option is selected in the customer admin panel;
- Added code to check Magento versions compatibility;
- Fixed bug creation order with sales representative under admin backend area
- Fixed bug creation salesrep commission group under admin backend area;
- Added new salesrep commission calculation type based on base price of order items;
- Fixed issue when the Sales Representative is changed in the order under the admin backend;
- Add PHP 8.x and Magento 2.4.x compatibility;
- Fixed frontend issue when sales representatives and dealers are not present;
- Add magento 2.4.4 support, Add PHP8.* support
- Add commissions return after order canceling, Fix customer grid unavailability
- Add Mass payment status upgrade feature
- Fix Sales rep email, Fix issues with customers grid, Fix empty value commission saving
- Product Commission Groups RELEASED.
- Add feature to calculate Sales Representative or Manager commission based on margin between product Price and product Cost.
- Add checkout dropdown show by URL parameter
- Fix issue with assigned sales representative display
- Fix checkout salesrep selector for registered users
- Add multilanguage support. Fix issue with currency conversion
- Compatible with 2.3.3. FIX select query for admin customer grid
- Fix issue with filtering order create grid according to representative permissions.
- Fix: Remove buttons in customer edit for Magento 2.3.1., Fix: Total in gross report and refactor it.
- fix: cminds logo added and change display position in configuration
- The issue with incorrect functioning salesrep selector on checkout is fixed.
- December 5th, 2018 (1.1.5) - Improve the user interface by adding alias of template variable {{sales_rep_name}} to the list of email template variables.
- Now the admin has ability to set 'sales_rep_name' variable into the order email.
- Added new feature: ability to add custom price to the product while creating order from the admin side, Added code fixes. Fixed bug with changing the commission's status on the commission report page
- Added ability to save sales representative from an admin order
- Add bug fix on filtering customers for the customer grid according to the extension's acl rules.
- Acl rules are fixed. Now the users are restricted correctly to the admin pages.
- The access to the invoices and credit memos is now restricted. Earlier the access was restricted only to orders.
- The status of orders is now displayed in the report.
- add little code fixes for the displaying the grid of the orders
- added fixes for the Magento 2 CE 2.2.* versions
- Code fixes from Marketplace. Fixed sending reports. Fixed data shown on order grid. Moved generating links to block to handle custom admin urls
- fixed setting sales commission values to null for admin users, fixed setting commission values to null for product, auto assign logged admin user when the customer is created in admin panel, hide frontend checkout step when logged in customer has assigned rep
- Fixed reloading orders grid, fixed ui_component file, fixed ACL permission for displaying commission earner/amount/status
- removed unnecessary toolbar node in the .xml file (to avoid conflicts between Magento versions)
- added module dependencies to the composer.json and module.xml files.
- Update module dependencies
- fixed commission reports filtration by salesrep
- fixed issues after compilation of dependency injection.
- Fixed sales rep filtration in additional checkout step
- Initial release of M2 version.