Best Questions and Answers Plugin for WordPress by CreativeMinds

WordPress Question and Answer Plugin – Discussion Forum Plugin

Unlock the potential of our WordPress Forum plugin to create a dynamic discussion forum or an extensive Q&A knowledge base. Empower your users to share questions, provide answers, participate in comments, and vote for the most valuable responses.
The WordPress Questions and Answers plugin allows seamless moderation, access management, user file attachments, ChatGPT and Gemini for answering questions, and even integrates a payment solution for posting question.

WordPress Q and A Plugin – Superb Forum Plugin

Are you a fan of Stack Overflow, Quora, and Yahoo Answers? If so, how would you like to build your own WordPress question and answer forum?

With our WordPress Questions and Answers Plugin, you can do just that.You can choose to build topic-specific knowledge bases or discussion boards.

Let’s take a look at what this WordPress forum plugin does and offers. Then you can see why many people agree this is one of the best plugins to create a forum for WordPress when compared with other WordPress forum plugins.

Complete Questions and Answers Forum

Our WordPress Questions and Answers plugin allows the members to ask questions of the community.

Users then can post answers to the questions, comment on topics, upload files, and vote for the best and most relevant answers. This is based on the members’ user access settings and the access control of the forum.

Users also can look through the forum and find the right question or use keywords in the WordPress forum. There is also a filtering option to find the most popular or most recent threads.

You can easily adjust the look and feel of your WordPress forum
You can easily adjust the look and feel of your WordPress forum

Q and A Thread Page

Example of a forum thread
Example of a forum thread
Each question on the forum created by our WordPress q and a plugin will get a thread page containing answers, attachments, comments, and images. The plugin also will show associated user information, if it’s available. This is things such as how many questions and answers there are.

The users of the forum will vote on the answers they like best. This way the other users can quickly spot the questions and answers that are most popular. Once a question has gotten enough answers or it’s old without many replies, the admin can mark the question resolved.

Admin Capabilities in the Question and Answers Plugin

With this WordPress question and answer plugin, you have a lot of control over what happens on your forum, by user and by topic.

You can completely control your forum and moderate the questions that can be asked, along with the topics. This can help keep hate speech and negative language out of your forums. This is all done with notifications and the ability to restrict users on a case-by-case basis.

Q and A Plugin Moderation Settings
Q and A Plugin Moderation Settings

ChatGPT and Gemini Forum Integration

Example of an Answer Generated by ChatGPT
Example of an Answer Generated by ChatGPT
One thing that has become very popular in recent days is AI technology, and that’s why we have made it so that this WordPress question and answer plugin supports ChatGPT and Gemini integration. The plugin can answer questions in particular categories automatically.

Because it understands human language, this allows you to give answers immediately to the users on the forum.

When you enhance your website using modern technology, you’ll be able to engage with more people on the platform as well as make your work simpler.

Q and A Forum Reports and Statistics

With our WordPress discussion forum plugin, we have made it simple to see how many people are coming to your forum with the built-in log & statistics module. This makes it easy to track the activities on your forum.

With our plugin, you can monitor who posted, when they posted, and in what categories they posted their questions. You can display a graph or table and then export the data.

Our WordPress discussion forum plugin allows an admin team to filter the content, customize the way that the forum displays in a variety of ways, and create a variety of forums on the website using particular categories.

Discussion Forum Plugin Admin Reports Dashboard
Discussion Forum Plugin Admin Reports Dashboard

User Capabilities in the WordPress Forum Plugin

Forum created with the Q and A Plugin
Forum created with the Q and A Plugin
Using this WordPress Question and Answer plugin, your users can enjoy many options, like social media logins, user profiles, user voting, private messages, and multiple file uploads.

User Notifications and Updates

Users are able to send private messages to other forum users and subscribe to their favorite topics or categories.

When they do this, they’ll be notified about any updates in the forum threads they’re following.

This WordPress makes it simple to track tickets, which is great for making a WordPress Support forum.

Robust Forum Notification System Settings
Robust Forum Notification System Settings

Charging Users In The WordPress Question and Answer Plugin

CM MicroPayments Integration
CM MicroPayments Integration
This WordPress question and answer plugin can be integrated with a variety of other WordPress plugins, which includes the WordPress MicroPayments Plugin. This adds virtual currency, requiring users to pay when they’re answering or asking questions.

Monetize Your WordPress Forum

When you use the Payments Add-on, you can charge your users to answer questions or ask them. You can also generate revenue when you allow only a small user group to interact in the forum.

The add-on has support for Stripe, PayPal, and a lot of other payment gateways through EOD, or Easy Digital Downloads, and WooCommerce. This allows you to charge your users real money and monetize the forum.

Charge Users Real Money - Monetize your forum by integrating the Payments Add-on

Define how much it costs to post
Define how much it costs to post

Easily Localize the Q and A Forum

Q and A Plugin Labels Settings
Q and A Plugin Labels Settings
All of the front-end labels can easily be localized. We have PO/MO files for many languages that cover this discussion plugin frontend interaction.

Our Questions and Answers Plugin supports multiple languages, such as Spanish, Polish, German, Danish, French, Italian, Russian, Czech, Dutch, Portuguese, and Swedish.

We will be happy to assist in building other PO/MO files upon user request.

Using the WordPress Question and Answer Plugin

  • Robust WordPress Discussion Forum Plugin – Integrate a comprehensive Q and A forum inside your existing WordPress site.
  • Versatile Shortcodes – Use shortcodes to place the forum anywhere on your posts or pages.
  • Replace WordPress Comments – Replace the default WordPress comments system on any given post.
  • Multiple Forums – Use categories to create multiple forums on your WordPress site.
  • On-Page Navigation – Use Ajax browsing mode for seamless transitions when users access different parts of the forum.
  • Powerful Forum Search – Users can search the forum history and filter discussion boards to quickly find answers.
  • Forum Notifications – Keep your users notified on Q and A threads they are following.
  • Forum Access – Decide who can view each forum, who can ask questions, or who can answer questions with detailed plugin access controls.
  • Forum Moderation – Powerful moderation tools allow the admin to limit allowable content or restrict postings with offensive language.
  • Forum Points System and Badges – Reward users with points and badges for posting questions or answers on your forum.
  • Multisite Compatible – This WordPress plugin is multisite-compatible under the following conditions: Each site needs to have its unique license; Data is not shared across sites.
  • Most Views – Users can see the popular questions under the “most views” tab.

WordPress Question and Answer Plugin Additional Resources

WordPress Question and Answer Plugin Related Blog Posts

Answers Plugin for WordPress Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Questions & Answers



Users can vote for questions and answers.



Categorize your questions and answers into multiple sub-categories and forums. Related questions can be posted under the specific question category.



Tag questions with multiple keywords for searching similar topics on you CM Answers plugin.



Upload file attachments to questions or answers. Admins can restrict certain file extensions. Support multiple file uploads on your discussion forum.

Text Editor

Users can edit their questions or answers with a functional TinyMCE text editor.

Best Answer

Best Answer

Authors can select the best answer out of all the responses submitted to their question.

Category Custom Fields

Category Custom Fields

Per each questions category you can define additional fields which will be available to fill out on the question submission form and displayed on the thread page.



Comments can be added for each question or answer.

Drag & Drop

Drag & Drop

Drag & Drop files to attach them to questions or answers. Create a download forum!

Edit After Posting

Allow authors to edit their questions and answers even after they’ve been submitted.

Forum Features

Private Answers

Private Answers

Support posting answers which only question poster / user can view.

User Profile

User Profile

Users can view their profiles that contain all their Q&A’s and discussion forum contribution statistics.



When using the Micropayments plugin display the users’ badges depending on their points balance.

Reassign Content

Reassign Content

Reassign all forum content (questions, answers and comments) from one user to another one.


Moderate user questions or answers or comments in your discussion forum like you would moderate WP spam. Restrict access or allow auto-approvals to specific users.

Private Questions

Private Questions

Support posting private questions directly to users.

User Gravatar

User Gravatar

Displays a Gravatar icon beside each user profile.

Favorite Question

Favorite Question

Users can vote on their favorite questions.

Bad Words Filter

Bad Words Filter

Create a bad words filter, blocking users from publishing inappropriate content to the board.

Access Control

With this WordPress forum plugin administrators can control who is allowed to view or post questions and which users are allowed to respond. Also control access to categories by role.

Appearance & Style



Easily customize the style and appearance of your Q&A discussion forum. Style forums by changing the color of your choice and much more.

Sticky Questions

Sticky Questions

Questions can be set to appear always on the top part of the questions list.

User Posting Meter

User Posting Meter

A widget showing the amount of posting is shown near each question or answer.

Show Ads

Supports showing ads and banners inside forum.



This plugin is translatable. It provides multilingual support including RTL language support (right to left). Supports UTF-8 characters for translation into a variety of different languages.



Support a few widgets to display recent questions, most popular questions, most active users and more.

Social Share Widget

Social Share Widget

Add a social share widget to each question page so users can share the question.

Mobile Responsive

The forum interface is mobile friendly and adjusts depending on the screen size.




Post automatically generated by ChatGPT answers to questions in chosen categories.



Integrates with the MicroPayments plugin so users have to pay virtual points to post answers.



GamiPress can automatically award users for actions on your forum.

Social Media Login

Social Media Login

Users can login with their social media accounts to post questions or answers.


Integrates with the BuddyPress API, specifically the groups feature. Buddypress will display posts on the CM Answers forum by users that login with their BP profile. You can also associate a BP group with a specific CMA category! The chosen CMA category becomes a forum for this group where the users can create topics (questions) and post answers.



Post automatically generated by Gemini answers to questions in chosen categories.

Ultimate Member

Ultimate Member

The integration feature adds a custom CMA tab into the Ultimate Member user profile.

Expert Directory

Expert Directory

Allows you to associate WordPress user profiles to expert profiles from Expert Directory and synchronize categories.

Geolocation Information

Geolocation Information

Show the geographic location so you can see where your users are coming from.


Support integration with Google AdSense in order to show ads within forum content.

General Features

Logs & Statistics

Logs & Statistics

Generates a detailed log and statistics of the forum activity.



Use a shortcode to embed questions and answers in your discussion forum to any page or post.

SEO Features

The WordPress Answers plugin is SEO-friendly and includes support for SEO meta descriptions in the index page and automatically adds the meta description to the answer thread page.

Email Notifications

Email Notifications

Advanced email notification system allows authors to receive notifications when answers to their questions are posted. Users can track discussions on specific topics based on the category.



Include a disclaimer asking users to agree to your terms when they visit for the first time.

WordPress Multisite

Compatible with WordPress multisite functionality.

Add-ons Features



Payments Add-on allows to charge users for posting questions and answers. Set a price for asking or answering questions and users will only complete the action after payment.

PeepSo Integration

PeepSo Integration

PeepSo Integration Add-on adds a questions and answers functionality into the PeepSo social network.

Answers Plugin Plans and Pricing

PLANSProPro AnonymousUltimate
Price includes 1 year support/updates. Manual renewal with 40% discount, not a subscription $49 $69 $119
Number of Websites / License Activations 1310
Advanced Access Control Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Shortcodes with Ajax Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Customize Permalink Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Multisite Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Logs & Statistics Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
SEO Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Answers & Voting Counts Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
File Attachments Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Q&A Comments Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Best Answer Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Edit After Posting Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Private Questions Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Question Categories Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Question Tags Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Category Custom Fields Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Full Text Editor Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Basic Moderation options Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Private Answers Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Reassign Content Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
User Profile Page Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Favorite Question Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
User Posting Meter Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
User Badges Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Templates can be Customized Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Mobile Responsive Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Localization Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Make Forum your Homepage Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Widgets Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Sticky Questions Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Forum Disclaimer Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Social Share Widget Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Replace WordPress Comments Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
ChatGPT Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Gemini Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Social Media Integration Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
BuddyPress Integration Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
GamiPress Integration Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Ultimate Member Integration Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Gravatar Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Geolocation Information Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
AdSense Integration Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Integration with CM Expert Directory Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Integration with Micropayments Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Anonymous Posting for non logged-in Users Not includedIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Payment support Not includedNot includedIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Answers Widgets Not includedNot includedIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Ask the expert support Not includedNot includedIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Idea Stimulator support Not includedNot includedIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Integration with PeepSo Not includedNot includedIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Product Knowledge Base Included Included Included
Priority email support Included Included Included
Product updates Included Included Included
PLANSProPro AnonymousUltimate
Number of Websites / License Activations 1310
Price includes 1 year support/updates. Manual renewal with 40% discount, not a subscription $49 $69 $119

Questions and Answers Forum Plugin Demo

Watch the video clips below to see each Q&A Forum Plugin feature in action.

For more in-depth descriptions, visit our Video Tutorial Library or plugin User Guide.

Answers WordPress Plugin Image Gallery

Back-end Gallery

Answers Plugin Additional Addons and Modules

Below are listed additional modules and addons which, when installed together with the Answers plugin provides additional functionality

Answers Plugin Related Integrations

Use Case Tutorials

More Forum Plugin Use Cases

  • Question Answer Website – Build a site such as Quora and StackExchange and let users ask and discuss hot questions about all topics.
  • Gaming Community – Create a forum for each gaming console or genre and invite users to debate their favorite games
  • School Message Board – Use CM Answers as a WordPress message board plugin. Establish different boards for each class and one just for teachers.
  • Award Points – Run a short-term contest and award the users who post the best answers in the WordPress Forum.
  • Get Benefits – Ask users general knowledge questions and receive innovative ideas for your next strategies.

Answers WP Plugin Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

General Questions

Is this a WordPress Forum plugin?

Yes. With CM Answers you can create any number of WordPress forums about any topic. It’s a complete WordPress Question and Answer plugin

I am in the Tech/Education/Media industry. Will I benefit from this plugin?

Yes, and not only. We have happy CM Answers customers using it in Technology, Administration, Productivity, Media, Improvement, Community, Idea building, Social, SEO, Marketing, Advertising, Knowledge, Privacy, Support, Audio, Video, Localization, Languages, Organization, Advertising, Monetization, Payments, Mobile, Moderation, Experience and Competition.

What is a forum and why should I add it to my site?

A forum is an online space where users can debate ideas in an organized fashion. A user may open a thread about a topic and others will reply it. There other names for it: Q&A, message board and so on.

Use this WordPress Message Board plugin to attract more users! Invite them to engage with other participants and generate content related to your website.

Can I create a question answer website with this forum tool?

Yes! CM Answers is a versatile WordPress tool that can work as a WordPress ask a question plugin. That way, users can ask each other questions and discuss further.

Questions About Forum Features

Can I allow only registered users to view questions?

Sure. The plugin includes access credentials for who can view questions, or who can view answers. You can define this that only user who are logged-in can view the questions and answers. For more information, please check this help document

Is it possible to translate the forum for languages that don't appear on the list?

Yes. Language files are located under the /lang directory in the plugin. You can take any existing .po file and change the non English description to your custom language. You can then use a po to mo converter like in here to create the mo file.

After creating these two files, copy them to the language directory. You are also welcome to send them to us so we can include them in the plugin pack.

Is CM Answers a SEO-Friendly forum?

Absolutely. CM Answers creates posts for questions and comments for answers. That alone makes it an SEO-Friendly forum because each question posted adds new user-generated content. Answers are then detected by search engines as a popularity measure, so the more answers posted for each post the better.

Both the Questions and the Answers pages are built with SEO in mind, taking search engine indexing methods into consideration. If you are using a sitemap generator, please make sure to include the custom post type questions before rebuilding the sitemap.

Does CM Answers support forum email notifications?

Yes. CM Answers sends email notifications in several levels:

1. Admin can set up email notifications in the plugin setting to receive alerts on new questions.

2. Question authors can receive notifications for answers posted for their questions

3. Users who post answers can follow other answers

Does CM Answers use Custom Post types?

Yes. CM Answers uses a “custom post type” for questions and WP comments for the answers. Therefore a real WordPress user needs to be assigned to each question/custom post. When using the WordPress search engine or other search plugins like Relevanssi, look for the CM Answers custom post type and add it to the search index. This is the same case for plugins which generate sitemaps.

Can users do live chat with the experts?

No. This plugin does not have a live chat feature. Users can only send private message query< or ask questions to the professionals.

Can images or files be uploaded with questions?

Yes. Admin can allow users to add attachment and images to the question answer. It also applies to the answer and comment sent by the experts.

Does this plugin have a reCAPTCHA option?

No. It does not have reCAPTCHA option.

Can I change the look & feel of elements on the answers page?

There are two ways to customize the style and appearance of your Answers page.

One way is to create a template in a directory called CMA and place it under your theme folder. This directory will contain all the files copied from the plugin under views/front-end. You can edit single.phtml and index.phtml to make changes in the appearance of the question or answer pages.

The second and quicker way to do this is to locate the object on the page which you need to change and add its new definition into the custom css tab, which is found in the plugin settings.

To locate elements, right click on the element and in the browser menu look for Inspect Element (Chrome).

Can I use social media login for my discussion forum?

Certainly! Enabling Social media login makes it quicker and easier for your site visitors to post questions, answers and comments onto your discussion forum. In addition, posts by users who performed a social media login are more likely to be shared across those platform, ultimately generating more exposure and traffic to your site. Two methods of social login are supported: Google and Facebook.

CM Answers WordPress plugin - Social media login from wordpress question and answer plugin

Difference Free Forum vs. Paid Forum Questions

Does this WordPress Message Board plugin have a free plugin version?

Yes. You can download the free plugin versionhere. Note that the free forums software does not include all the features.

What features are only present in the pro version?

Among others:

  • Mobile Responsive
  • Anonymous Posting
  • Private Answers
  • Private Question
  • Advertisements
  • Comments
  • Multiple Attachments
  • Spam Report
  • Access Control
  • Edit Question / Answers
  • BuddyPress
  • Two Levels Category Navigation
  • Ajax Support
  • Social Media Registration Integration
  • Shortcodes
  • User Dashboard
  • Categories
  • Widgets
  • User Posting Meter
  • Show/Hide Views
  • Moderation
  • Gravatar
  • Order Answers
  • Attachment
  • Localization Support
  • View Count Control
  • Tags
  • Sticky Questions
  • Disclaimer
  • Social Share

How do I upgrade CM Answers?

To upgrade from the free version to the pro you need first to deactivate and delete the free version. All terms that have been created with the free version will be automatically transferred to the pro. You can then download the PRO plan from CreativeMinds customer dashboard and install it. For the plugin to work you need to activate the license. Here is a video explaining this

Customer Reviews for the Answers Plugin

@pparnham from
Sophisticated plugin with fantastic support
I, for one, am now sold on the idea that CM Answers is the most sophisticated option out there, with a support team that truly goes the extra mile. Thank you.

@owp2012 from
Great customer support, Great plugin!
I got fantastic customer service, and great turnaround on a small issue that I had. Sorted quickly and professionally. Exactly within 24hrs as stated on the support page. Keep up the good work!

Paul Douglas, Developer, Douglas Web Designs
Great Customer Service
Quickly replying to my emails with courteous and helpful replies led me to leave this review. The plugin also has a great amount of useful options to meet the needs of any Q&A forum.

WP Mayor
CM Answers plugin reviews by WP Mayor
CM Answers is the best way for managing all your user’s questions and answers with this easy to use website discussion forum plugin. With CM Answers you can start moderating discussions right away, and have users login easily with their existing social media profiles. It’s so easy to use, you’ll wonder why you haven’t done this already!.

WP Insite
CM Answers plugin reviews by WP Insite
Gone are the days of the simple bland style discussion board forums. CM Answers Pro is the new way to stylishly display your discussion boards.
WP Insite

WP Explorer
CM Answers plugin reviews by WP Explorer
CM Answers plugin integrates well with WordPress and gives both administrators and users a simple way to interact. Admins will find customizing the forum a simple process that can be modified on a whim. Users will find the end experience to be pleasant to look at and simple to contribute to.

We Accept All Major Credit Cards
Accepted payment methods include all Credit Cards and PayPal