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Catalog Permission for Magento® 2 by CreativeMinds

Catalog Permission Extension for Magento 2

Hide certain product, catalog, and CMS pages from selected customers or customer groups by using the Catalog Permission extension for Magento 2.

Tested up to
CE: 2.1.X, 2.2.X, 2.3.X, 2.4.X
EE: 2.1.X, 2.2.X, 2.3.X, 2.4.X
July 28, 2022
5.7 - 8.2.X

Catalog Permission Extension for Magento 2

Limit category, products or CMS pages access to customer and customer groups using the Catalog Permission extension for Magento 2.

Grant special permissions due to business reasons, for example, showing special offers and catalog pages for B2B customers or wholesalers, or hide prices and the add to cart button to make users log in.

This handy permissions extension supports FPC (Full-Page Cache), helping decrease load times of your site. Learn more: Magento User Guide.

Restrict By Customers and Customer Groups

The Magento 2 Catalog Permission extension allows you to hide certain product, catalog and CMS pages from selected customers or customer groups.

All the restrictions are based on special rules where you can define what customers and customer groups can get a permission.

Customer Categories Restriction In The Backend

Restrict By Certain Categories, Products And CMS Pages

Manage All The Restrictions In One Place Limit access to specific CMS pages with Promotions to logged in customers only, or give a permission to several catalog pages to effectively optimize the visibility of your store.

Display An Error Message and Redirect To Another Page

Show a custom error message once users will try to go to a restricted page to improve user experience.

Moreover you can smoothly redirect customers to a specific URL or another website.

For example, if a user clicks on a restricted page A, you can redirect them to a different page B.

The Example Of Restriction On The Frontend

Using the Magento Catalog Permission Extension

  • Easily create an unlimited number of permissions or delete the recently created ones.
  • Create multiple rules to restrict products, categories by specific customers and customer groups.
  • Create multiple rules to restrict CMS pages by specific customers and customer groups.
  • Show customized error message to block customers.
  • Manage all the restrictions in one place
  • Set the priority in showing restrictions
  • Redirect customers to another URL
  • Hide price block and “add to cart” button
  • Add custom restriction labels visible for the admin

Magento Catalog Permission Extension Related Resources

Catalog Permission Extension Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this extension.

Restrict Products, Categories

Restrict Products, Categories

Hide selected product and catalog pages from visitors.

Blocked Message

Blocked Message

Send message for each restriction explaining why the customer is being redirected.



Send users to a separate page or website for good user experience.

Smart Priority

If you set products and categories restrictions for the same customers, the products restrictions will be prioritized.

Restrict by Customers or Group

Restrict by Customers or Group

Hide certain CMS pages, for example with sales, for customers and customer groups.

Centralized Management

Centralized Management

Create and manage all restrictions in a separate section from the Backend.

Hide Price or “Add to Cart” Button

Hide Price or Add to Cart Button

Prioritize other aspects of the shop by hiding prices or the Add To Cart button.

Supports FPC

Have your store load much faster with our FPC (Full-Page Cache) support. Learn more: Full-Page Cache | Magento User Guide.

Catalog Permission Extension Image Gallery

Magento Catalog Permission Extension Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the user guide to learn more about this extension.

Can the guest user be able to access private categories?

Can admin assign multiple categories, products or CMS pages?

Can I hide prices using the Magento 2 Catalog Permission extension?

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