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Extended Order Status Extension for Magento® by CreativeMinds

Custom Order Status Manager Extension for Magento® 1 by CreativeMinds

The Magento Custom Order Status extension gives admin complete control over order flow with improved order management and custom order status reports.
Add as many custom payment and shipping statuses as you need, send automatic order status change notifications to customers, and track orders to increase efficiency.
Tested up to
CE: 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x
EE: Not Supported
December 11, 2019
5.7 - 8.2.X

Magento Custom Order Status Manager Extension

The Order Status Extension allows you to hide the generic Magento order status and change the order status to include more useful information.

Improving Magento Order Grid

This extension displays two statuses: a payment status and a shipping status.

This gives customized order tracking information to show which orders have been shipped but not paid for, or paid for but not shipped, etc.

By using Magento Order Status Manager extension, you can easily track what goes into and what comes out of each status reports, including sorting orders by status.

The new shipping and payment column in orders grid.

Improving Communication with Customers

The customer dashboard which includes both payment and shipping status. With the addition of payment and shipping statuses, admins can change order statuses to more accurately inform customers of order processing.

Admin can update customers on order status changes using the customer dashboard or via email notifications.

This increases customer communication and loyalty by keeping customers informed.

Adding Order Status Categories

With our order status extension, you can add as many order status categories as you need both the payment and shipping status categories.

This allows for better order tracking than with the default Magento order status. Here are examples of custom order states:

Payment status: Paid, Paid Partially, Unpaid, Overdue, Cancelled

Shipping status: Shipped, Unshipped, Partially Shipped, Cancelled, Being packed

Adding new order status.

Better Status Reports

Generate reports based on new statuses. After adding custom order states, you can easily sort orders by statuses based on any combination of shipment & payment statuses and export the result to CSV or PDF.

Both shipping & payment order statuses will show in the purchase order details page and in the customer email notifications, as well as in the customer dashboard.

Using the Payment & Shipping Order Status Extension for Magento

  • Payment & Shipping Statuses – Add custom order states related to payment and shipping
  • Multiple Order Statuses – Add as many purchase order status categories as you need
  • Track Orders – Sort and track orders by date, time, and status
  • Change Order Status – Change order processing status in each category
  • Automatic Updates – Automatic custom order status updates upon cancellation, shipment, etc
  • Order Status Change Emails – Update customers via email with order status change notifications
  • Sort Orders – Easily sort orders based on any combination of shipment & payment statuses
  • Order Management – Manage multiple orders at various stages to keep your store running smoothly
  • View Order Status – Allows customers to see the exact status of their order
  • Increase Customer Communication – Increase customer communication and loyalty
  • Increase Order Efficiency – More efficient order processing

Shipping Statuses Related Resources

Features of the Magento Custom Order States Extensions

Advanced-Order-Status extension for Magento

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Change Magento Order Status – Change order status to any custom status
Customize Order Statuses – Specify and add custom order status titles
Admin Order Tracking – Track orders through from the back-end of store
Sort Orders – Sort and track orders by date, time, and status
Order Management – Manage multiple orders at various stages to keep your store running smoothly
Design – Intuitive design and interface makes the extension hassle-free to use
Shipping and Payment Statuses – Separate shipment and payment statuses
Auto-update Status – Auto-update both shipping & payment status on cancellation, shipment, etc
Custom Reporting – Custom report sorts orders by status variations (i.e. shipped/unpaid, etc.)
View Shipping & Payment Statuses – Shows dual order states (Shipment & Payment) in Order Grid
Customer View – Show customers both shipping and order status in the order detail page
Order Update Emails – Email updates inform customers of both shipping and order processing status

Custom Order Status Extension Image Gallery

Custom Order Status Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

I need the original Magento order status to show, too. Can you do that?

Do the new order status attributes change automatically when I ship or cancel an order?

What happens to Magento custom modules that rely on the Magento order status?

What happens to order status data for previous store orders?

What happens to the original Magento order status field?

Can I change any order on my store to a custom order status?

We Accept All Major Credit Cards
Accepted payment methods include all Credit Cards and PayPal