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Order Approval Manager Extension for Magento 2 by CreativeMinds

Magento 2 Order Approval Manager Extension │ Order Manager for M2

Order Approval is a payment method for Magento stores which allows customers to forward the purchase to someone else.
This order manager extension allows customers to fill out information about the payer during checkout. Payers are then notified and asked to pay for order.
Tested up to
CE: 2.0.X, 2.1.X, 2.2.X, 2.3.X, 2.4.X
EE: 2.0.X, 2.1.X, 2.2.X, 2.3.X, 2.4.X
July 26, 2022
5.7 - 8.2.X

Magento 2 Order Management Extension from CreativeMinds

Our Magento 2 Customer Approval extension allows customers to forward their order to someone else for approval and payment.

Asking Customers for Payer Details

During the checkout process the customer is asked to fill out information about the person who will pay for the order. This includes name, email and a note to the payer.

Our Magento 2 order manager extension is a great tool for B2B eCommerce sites.

It provides the ability for companies or employees to create orders and send them to the responsible manager or accounting department to pay.

Cart Order Approval Payment Method

Magento 2 Order Manager: Sending Notifications to Customer and Payer

Example of an email sent to a customer with order details After the order is created the payer is notified and receives a link to complete the order or cancel it.

Payers can also edit the cart contents, adding or removing items if needed.

Admin Dashboard for Orders Pending Approval

Orders created using the Magento 2 Order Manager are assigned pending status, and are visible under a separate section in the Magento admin dashboard. Admin dashboard showing pending orders

Using the Magento 2 Order Approval Manager Extension

  • Magento 2 Customer Approval Process – Provide companies with the ability to approve orders before purchasing.
  • Support Non-Paying Customers – If the person who uses the product is not the person who will pay for, our Magento 2 customer approval extension is the easy way to provide the ability to support submitting the order without making an actual payment.
  • Complete the B2B process – The B2B buying process differs from B2C stores. Each purchase needs to be approved and usually the person who needs the product is not the person who pays for it. Our Magento 2 order manager extension makes this process easier.

Magento 2 Customer Approval: Related Resources

Advanced Custom Order Management Extension Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this extension.

Complete order before paying for it

Complete order before paying for it

Orders are saved in pending mode once submitted until paid.

Add order comments

Add order comments

Admin can add order comments to the individual order and choose to notify customer by email or make it visible on the frontend.

Email notification for buyer and payer

Email notification for buyer and payer

When an order is created using the order approval manager extension, an email notification is sent to the buyer and payer. The buyer will receive the order details, and the payer receives information on how to complete or cancel the order. When an order is completed or canceled the buyer receives an order approval message.

Link redirecting to checkout in payer notification

Link redirecting to checkout in payer notification email

When the payer clicks on the email link to complete the order it takes them directly to the payment step for the order. All billing and shipping info is already set (can be edited).

Separate admin section

Separate admin section

Admins can manage orders waiting for approval which are in pending mode.

Order Verification Process

Admin can do the order examination of pending orders for approval in the order approval queue before changing the status or delete orders.

Export Orders

Admin can export necessary orders to the CSV file or Excel XML file.

Order approvers

Order approvers

Admin can choose who can approve the orders. If Admin will be selected then all payments will be removed during checkout and only OAPM will be able to select.

Automatic order clearing

Automatic order clearing

If you enable “Automatic Order Clearing” option, pending orders automatically will be deleted that have not been approved or paid for within the time outlined in the Pending order lifetime field.

Email reminders to the payer

Email reminders to the payer

Email reminders to the payer – Payers receive email reminders about pending orders waiting for their review and payment.

Order moderation

Order moderation

Buyer will receive an email notification when changes are made to the cart or orders by order moderators. Buyers will also receive order disapproval notifications.

Order modification

Order modification

Admin can modify order status from the backend.

Approve/Disapprove Orders

Payers or the admin can approve or disapprove orders once they receive the order notifications.

Multiwebsite Support

Use the extension across different sites or store views (in the same installation)

Magento Order Manager Extension Image Gallery

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have a separate place in the admin panel where I can see orders waiting for payment and their status?

Are orders created in admin order grid when an approval for a payment is sent?

What happens when the payer doesn't pay? Do they get reminders?

What happens to an order when the buyer decides not to pay?

Can this order protection extension automatically detect suspicious orders and send warning order message to the admin?

Where does the link to complete the order in the payer email take him exactly?

Can the admin examine orders and adjust order approval?

Can the admin edit order information with this extension?

Can this extension auto-update orders?

Is it possible to do the bulk order processing?

Will the customer receive an order status updates notification email when approver makes changes to the unpaid orders?

We Accept All Major Credit Cards
Accepted payment methods include all Credit Cards and PayPal