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Supplier Frontend Product Upload Extension for Magento® 2 by CreativeMinds

Supplier Products and Inventory Management Extension for Magento® 2 by CreativeMinds

Give suppliers the ability to upload products and manage inventory using a separate dashboard in the store’s front-end without the need to log into the admin area.
Store manager can approve vendors products, allow certain product types and assigning vendors to products.

Frontend Products and Inventory Management

The Magento 2 Supplier Product Inventory Management Extension by CreativeMinds allows approved suppliers to add and manage products on a front-end dashboard of your site.

Managing Inventory Dashboard

This inventory management extension has the ability to benefit both admin and suppliers.

Admins have the ability to manage suppliers and uploaded products, while store suppliers can upload products from a front-end dashboard without gaining access to the store admin panel.

Frontend dashboard grid showing all vendor products

Managing Product Attributes

Vendor's Edit / Add product screen showing attribute available Admin can assign attribute sets available for each supplier or vendor, while maintaining the admin's exclusive ability to approve or dismiss uploaded products, as well as being able to moderate supplier products which need further editing.

Vendor Reports

Reporting features allow admin and suppliers to generate detailed reports on sold items and sales achievements. This helps admin track supplier performance. Vendor dashboard showing revenue report and graph

API Integration

Add and update products remotely via API (Application Program Interface). The SOAP API V2 methods allow you to specify every product attribute and much more.

All methods are fully documented: Supplier Frontend M2 – API Methods.

Compare Supplier Product Upload to Other Extensions

Compare between CM MultiVendor Marketplace and CM Frontend Uploader

Magento 2 Stock Management Extension Uses

  • Inventory Management – Give suppliers, vendors or employees limited management access to upload products from a front-end dashboard
  • Stock Management – Help make sure a supplier product is always in stock
  • Maintain Admin Capabilities including product approval and moderation
  • Save Admin Time – Allow suppliers to upload their product information directly to your Magento 2 store
  • Update Product Inventory – Let suppliers update stock data to prevent misunderstandings
  • Sales Reports – Admin and suppliers can see revenue reports to track performance
  • Supplier Management Panel – Each supplier has a private dashboard where uploaded products can be viewed and managed
  • Supplier Product List – Suppliers can view and manage their products from the front-end dashboard
  • Vendor Assignment – Admin can assign a vendor or supplier with a product

Supplier Frontend Product Uploader Related Resources

Frontend Products Inventory Management Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this extension.

Admin Features

Supplier Registration

Supplier Registration

Enable/Disable option for suppliers to register in a separate form.

Vendor Profile Approval

Vendor Profile Approval

Approve vendor’s profile after registration, or have it approved automatically.

Customize Product Upload Form

Customize Product Upload Form

Product upload/edit forms can be easily customized in the admin panel.

Number of Images

Number of Images

Define the maximum number of images that can be uploaded per product by a supplier.

Product Type

Product Type

Define what type of product can be created by supplier.

Products Tax Class

Products Tax Class

Define tax class for supplier’s products.

Product Supplier

Change a product’s supplier/owner.

Supplier Reports

See report of all products added by the supplier.

Supplier Tax Group

Supplier Tax Group

Define tax group for supplier’s products.

Auto/Moderated Product Approval

Auto/Moderated Product Approval

Decide if created products are approved automatically or need approval from admin panel.

Product Labels

Product Labels

Change the labels of the existing product metadata.

Upload Product Video

Upload Product Video

Allows suppliers to add a video to the product page.

Downloadable Products

Downloadable Products

Define type of downloadable product files types and its maximum size.

Product SKU

Product SKU

Define if suppliers can define products SKU or it will be auto-generated.

API Integration

Add and update products and more via fully documented SOAP API V2 methods.

Filter Sales Reports

Filter sales reports by suppliers, product categories, customer groups, and more.

Supplier Features

Product Uploader

Product Uploader

Suppliers can add new products (simple, configurable, downloadable and virtual), each containing a product description, metadata and images.

Supplier Notifications

Supplier Notifications

Suppliers can receive approved product notification and order notification.

Import Products Count Limit

Import Products Count Limit

Limit the amount of products that the supplier can import.

Sales Reports

Suppliers can track sales performance.

Stock Management

Stock Management

Suppliers can view and manage their products from a frontend dashboard.

Supplier Login Page

Supplier Login Page

Separate registration and login page for suppliers.

Cloning Products

Cloning Products

Suppliers can clone their product.

Product Preview

Preview products on frontend before they go live.

Frontend Uploader Extension Additional Modules

Frontend Products Inventory Management Image Gallery

Frontend Products Inventory Management Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the user guide to learn more about this extension.

Is there a limit to how many supplier accounts can upload products to my store?

Does the extension let suppliers access my Magento admin dashboard?

Will I be able to approve or dismiss products uploaded to my site?

Can a customer buy from multiple vendors in one order?

Can Suppliers be notified by the Extension when an order for their product(s) has been made on the store?

Is it possible to have suppliers who provide digital content manage uploads/downloads with this Extensions?

What types of products can a supplier upload?

Customer Reviews for the Supplier Uploader Extension

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Accepted payment methods include all Credit Cards and PayPal