Sprout Invoice EDD Checkout Plugin for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Sprout Invoice EDD Checkout Plugin for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Pay for your Sprout invoices using EDD checkout system

WordPress Version
5.4.0 or Higher
Tested up to
WordPress 6.7.X
January 5, 2019
5.7 - 8.2.X

Sprout Invoice EDD Checkout Plugin Description

The CM Sprout Invoice EDD Checkout Plugin for WordPress is an AddOn for the Sprout invoicing plugin. It works only together with the Pro version of the Sprout invoicing system and let user pay for the invoice using EDD checkout system.

After plugin installation you can customize the labels appearing once the Pay Button is clicked. This labels shows the payment options available for the invoice. Once user check of the payment options he is then taken to the checkout with the amount added to the cart

In the first version of the plugin, The user need to manually create an EDD product which includes the payment options and associate it with the invoice. Once we will receive more feedback from user we will add additional feature to make the process easier

Using the Sprout Invoice Easy Digital Downloads Checkout

  • Allow user to pay for a Sprout generated invoice with EDD checkout
  • Support breaking down the invoice into several payments

Prerequisite Plugins

Related Plugins

Plugin Features

  • Connect Sprout invoice to EDD cart
  • Show payment options once clicking on the Pay Now button on the invoice
  • User can go straight to the EDD checkout and pay with any existing payment gateway available
  • Can automatically create an EDD product matching the invoice in which user can split payments

Plugin Gallery

Sprout Invoice EDD integration - Paying the Invoice

Sprout Invoice EDD integration – Paying the Invoice

Sprout EDD Invoices Labels Settings

Sprout EDD Invoices Labels Settings

Sprout EDD Invoices Plugins  Settings

Sprout EDD Invoices Plugins Settings

Sprout Invoices and EDD Integration Metabox

Sprout Invoices and EDD Integration Metabox

Version 1.0.0 7th July 2015

  • First Release