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Booking Calendar iCal Sync Add-on for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Booking Calendar iCal Sync Addon for WordPress

Export the booking calendar through an iCal feed, compatible with various calendar software like Google Calendar
WordPress Version
5.4.0 or Higher
Tested up to
WordPress 6.7.X
June 10, 2024
5.7 - 8.2.X

Booking Calendar iCal Sync Addon Description

The Booking Calendar iCal Sync Addon for WordPress supports exporting the booking calendar using an iCal feed. You can read this feed using Google calendar and other iCal calendars.

Multiple Software Supported

You can add the calendar (read-only) to Google Calendar, Mac/iOS Calendar, most native Windows calendar software, and much more. Even multiple programs at the same time!

Enable or disable the integration for each calendar, ensuring the most agendas will be shared with external software.

Google Calendar showing calendar managed by the plugin

Booking Calendar iCal Sync Addon Related Use Cases

Booking Calendar iCal Sync Addon Prerequisite Plugin

Can only be used with CM Booking Calendar Pro installed before using this addon

Booking Calendar iCal Sync Addon Related Add Ons

Booking Calendar iCal Sync Addon Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

One-way Sync – Your can access (but not create or modify) events from your calendars by using external software
Multiple Integrations – Connect your calendars to Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, and much more
Individual Setting – Choose which calendars should be exported, and to which software
Selective Invalidation – At any time, invalidate the feed to remove access permissions from external calendar platforms

Booking Calendar iCal Sync Gallery

Booking Calendar iCal Sync Frequently Asked Questions

Does this plugin only associate my calendar with Apple products?

Are iCalendar feeds automatically created for all my calendars after installing this add-on?

If I later disable the iCalendar feed. Does the iCalendar file get deleted or does it just stop being updated?

I would like to share my calendar with people through a public Google Calendar. Can I sync up with Google Calendar?

Can I possibly keep the feed open while removing previous apps or people from having access to it?

Can apps or calendars that are importing my calendar through the feed modify my Booking Calendar?

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