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Idea feedback and Stimulator Ideation Management System for WordPress by CreativeMinds

WordPress Idea Stimulator Plugin – Idea Generation and Voting

The Idea Management System supports the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas, transforming your WordPress site into an idea factory!
This system promotes employee-driven innovation and serves as a teaching and learning assessment tool. With a user-friendly frontend submission option, users can submit ideas and vote within a simple interface.

Build an idea factory website and harness users potential

Gather outstanding ideas from users and employees that can lead to great things. The best idea management system for WordPress which allows you to brainstorm, rate and communicate over submitted ideas to get the best engagement of your users.

The Idea Stimulation plugin adds the option to build an ideation feedback and management system (the capacity for or the act of forming or entertaining ideas).

It can help to support the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas. This can support all stages of a thought cycle, from innovation, to development, to actualization.

The Idea Stimulation Plugin has a viral effect and can be a potential goldmine for idea generation

Mutual collaboration and communication is the key component of the viral effect. Ratings are introduced to rank the best user ideas and let them compete for attention.

Categorize and segment ideas into groups to create a multi niche channel for idea development.

Forum with idea stimulation

Posting New Ideas

Screen Showing Existing Ideas and option to Post New Ones The process of idea stimulation starts by posting a new idea and describing exactly what it is you want to generate new ideas about.

You can add video to demonstrate your idea and also set goals of how many approvals need to be reached.

While posting new ideas user should try to capture the true essence of what they are looking for in as few words as possible. A vague description will usually yield equally vague results.

Collaborating on Posted Ideas

Users participating in the system can respond to the idea posted, add comments and also vote. Looking at all ideas posted under a specific category can shows which ideas gained more approvals and responses and which did not pick up.

This is a useful aid when trying to brainstorm and facilitate new ideas and creativity within a group of people, students or within a workplace.

Administrators can moderate new ideas posted and also responses for each idea. Administrators can also define who can post new ideas and who can respond to ideas posted.

Access restrictions can also be set to define who can view the content related to the idea.

Screen showing a screen containing all details related to one posted idea

Working together with the Answers Plugin

This plugin comes bundled with the CM Answers plugins. When installed together with CM Answers the look and feel of CM Answers will change to reflect the way an ideation tool work.

Plugin Labels Settings If you want to keep both options working together (Questions and Answers together with the online Idea Stimulator) you will need to run two instances of CM Answers on a MultiSite environment or on a separate domain.

All license activation issues related to running more than one installation are covered upon buying the AddOn. This means that we will alter the needed license activation limits to support both functionalities.

Idea Stimulation Plugin Localization and Supported Languages

All front-end labels can easily be changed to any language so the user interface will speak your language. As well as this we already have a PO/MO files for many languages covering all plugin front-end interaction.

Supported languages includes: Spanish, Polish, German, Danish, French, Italian, Russian, Czech, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish.

We will be happy to assist building other PO/MO files upon user request.

Plugin Labels Settings

Using the Idea Stimulation Plugin for WordPress

  • Let users brainstorm ideas, post and manage ideas with this idea management plugin on your WordPress site
  • Let other users add their thoughts and comments as well as gather helpful ideas
  • Set approval goals and ask user to approve the idea
  • Add categories and set additional fields for submitting ideas for each category so that users can keep their ideas organized

Idea Stimulator Prerequisite Plugin

  • CM Answers – Is bundled with the Idea system addon

Idea Stimulation Plugin Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Basic Features

Idea Voting System

Idea Voting System

Idea voting system allows users to vote up or down for the idea.

Customize the Idea

Customize the Idea

Posted idea description can be edited and improved by the admin.



The idea stimulator gives users the ability to attach documents and images to the idea description or to the responses.



Each idea can be posted under a specific category. Users can view all posted ideas by filtering the category name.

Front-end Submission

Frontend submission feature lets logged in users submit original ideas from the front-end.



The idea poster can set a goal for the number of approvals they are expecting for the idea.



Users viewing the posted idea can add their response and can also comments on other peoples’ responses.



The Idea poster can add a video to better explain the idea.

Custom Fields

Custom Fields

Add custom fields for each category to make the ideas facilitation structured within defined guidelines and requirements.

Single Idea Page

Each idea has its own unique post which can be linked using a unique URL.


Access Restrictions

Access Restrictions

Admin can define who can post new ideas, who can answer and also who can view.



User can follow an idea thread and see all responses made to it. Users can also follow a category to see all new ideas posted and all responses made to these ideas.



Admin can moderate new posted ideas (either all or in specific categories only) and also moderate responses posted to each idea.



All text labels are customized and can be adjusted to the specific use case and terminology set.

Idea Stimulation System Plans and Pricing

PLANSAnswers Pro (Essential)Idea Stimulator (Advanced)Idea Stimulator (Ultimate)
Price includes 1 year support/updates. Manual renewal with 40% discount, not a subscription $49 $69 $99
Number of Websites / License Activations 135
Advanced Access Control Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Shortcodes with Ajax Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Customize Permalink Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Multisite Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Logs & Statistics Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
SEO Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Idea voting system Not includedIncludedIncluded
Goals Not includedIncludedIncluded
Customize the idea Not includedIncludedIncluded
File Attachments Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Q&A Comments Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Best Answer Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Edit After Posting Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Private Questions Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Answers & Voting Counts Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Question Categories Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Question Tags Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Category Custom Fields Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Full Text Editor Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Basic Moderation options Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Private Answers Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Reassign Content Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
User Profile Page Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Favorite Question Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
User Posting Meter Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
User Badges Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Templates can be Customized Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Mobile Responsive Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Localization Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Make Forum your Homepage Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Widgets Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Sticky Questions Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Forum Disclaimer Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Social Share Widget Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Replace WordPress Comments Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
ChatGPT Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Social Media Integration Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
BuddyPress Integration Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
GamiPress Integration Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Ultimate Member Integration Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Gravatar Support Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Geolocation Information Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
AdSense Integration Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Integration with CM Expert Directory Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Integration with Micropayments Included icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin tableIncluded icon from wordpress question and answer plugin table
Product Knowledge Base Included Included Included
Priority email support Included Included Included
Product updates Included Included Included
PLANSAnswers Pro (Essential)Idea Stimulator (Advanced)Idea Stimulator (Ultimate)
Number of Websites / License Activations 135
Price includes 1 year support/updates. Manual renewal with 40% discount, not a subscription $49 $69 $99

Idea Stimulation Plugin Image Gallery

Idea Stimulation Plugin Online Demo

Idea Management Demo

Idea Stimulation Plugin Additional Addons and Modules

The following list is additional modules and addons which can be installed together with the Idea Stimulation Plugin to provide additional functionality

Idea Stimulation Plugin Related Add Ons

Idea Stimulation Plugin Related Products

Idea Stimulator Related Use Cases

Idea Stimulation Use Case Examples

  • Idea Factory – Build an innovative website that showcases potentially noteworthy ideas submitted by users. Let users vote & discus on idea proposals, collaborate to enhance them and potentially turn into reality. There is huge potential in such concept, since the content is user-generated and encourages interaction.
  • Feedback system for teams – Let your team members post submit ideas that can enhance your business or product. Join the conversation, set mutual goals and make it happen.

Idea Stimulation Plugin Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Can I change the labels of this plugin

Can I restrict the posting of new ideas to specific users or per roles

Can I be notified when new ideas are posted

Can I moderate new ideas before they get published

Can I merge duplicate ideas?

Does this plugin has idea request system feature ?

Can this plugin be used as WordPress contact form ?

Customer Reviews for the Plugin

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