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CM Map Locations Manager BuddyPress Add-on for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Locations Manager BuddyPress Addon for WordPress

Let BuddyPress community members create, show and discuss locations and point of interest. The administrator can moderate locations before they are posted.
WordPress Version
5.4.0 or Higher
Tested up to
WordPress 6.7.X
September 19, 2024
5.7 - 8.2.X

Location Manager BuddyPress Addon Description

The CM Locations BuddyPress Addon for WordPress supports adding a locations dashboard to the BuddyPress user profile. The dashboard lets users post their own locations and manage them.

Map Locations Manager is considered the best locations management plugin for WordPress and once integrated with BuddyPress adds the ability to share Google maps with locations and additional information within the community.

Members Posted Locations

Each BuddyPress community member can post new location which includes images, videos, textual description of the location and of course an Interactive Google map showing the exact location on the map.

Once a user posts a location, a new feed describing the location appears in his activity tab.

The admin can also moderate locations before they are posted.

Profile page with posted locations

Locations Manager – BuddyPress Integration Related Use Case

Locations Manager – BuddyPress Integration Addon Prerequisite Plugin

The CM Map Location pro plugin is required to use this add-on.

Locations Manager – BuddyPress Integration Addon Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Published Locations

Published Locations

Add a tab to each user BuddyPress profile including all the locations they have published, along with a map showing the location of each location. This tab is visible to everyone.

Feed Update

Feed Update

User activity is automatically updated with information regarding new locations.

Locations Dashboard

Locations Dashboard

Add a tab to each user BuddyPress profile page which lets them control their map locations and add new locations. This tab is visible only to the user.

User Widget

User Widget

BuddyPress user widget includes links to user profile locations tab.

Locations Manager – BuddyPress Image Gallery

Locations Manager – BuddyPress Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any way to alter the way that the Locations appear on users profiles?

Can the BuddyPress activity posts for newly submitted locations be customized?

Can I change the "Locations" or "Manage Locations" text that appears in the tabs or in other locations within the BuddyPress members profiles for Locations manager?

I don't want my BuddyPress members to be able to add or modify locations. Is there any way to remove these links from their profiles?

Locations Manager BuddyPress Related Add Ons

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