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MailerLite Email Marketing for Easy Digital Download (EDD) WordPress Plugin by CreativeMinds

MailerLite Email Marketing Plugin for Easy Digital Download

Integrate your Easy Digital Downloads store with MailerLite by automatically subscribing customers to specific lists based on their purchases. Provide customers with the option to opt into a list during the checkout process.

WordPress Version
5.4.0 or Higher
Tested up to
WordPress 6.7.X
June 26, 2024
5.7 - 8.2.X

MailerLite Email Marketing for Easy Digital Download (EDD)

Easily create a WP mailing list based on user purchases by integrating your Easy Digital Downloads store. Customers can also opt themselves into a list during checkout.

Integration Setup

The configuration is simple.

To integrate MailerLite Email Marketing Plugin with EDD, you need to provide MailerLite API Key.

Admin can specify the default list where all subcsriber's emails will be added to after the purchase.

Integration Settings

Assigning Purchases to Mailing Lists

Metabox With Mailing Lists Admin can override the default mailing list which is set in plugin settings specifically for each EDD download.

It can be easily done in the metabox on the editing download post - admin can choose one or multiple lists per each download.

Checkout Page

The 'Show Signup' checkbox will be displayed on the checkout page, offering users to subscribe to the mailing list.

Admin can define if to display this checkbox, if it should be checked by default and change its label in plugin settings.

Signup Checkbox On the Checkout Page

Using the MailerLite Email Marketing Plugin for EDD

  • Boost your digital downloads sales by offering targeted newsletters
  • Subscribe customers to newsletters based on the product they have purchased
  • Allow customers to opt-in of your newsletter at checkout

MailerLite Email Marketing Additional Resources

MailerLite Email Marketing Prerequisite Plugin

MailerLite Email Marketing for Easy Digital Download Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Easy Setup

Easy Setup

You only need a MailerLite API to connect with the plugin.

First Bought Product

First Bought Product

Send first bought product name to MailerLite.

Define Default Newsletter List

Define Default Newsletter List

Define the newsletter list that your customers will be asked to assign to. The plugin automatically imports the list of newsletter lists from your MailerLite account.

Opt-in at Checkout

Opt-in at Checkout

Show a checkbox at checkout allowing customers to opt-in to your newsletter.

Checkout Label

Checkout Label

Define the text which will be shown next to the signup option.

Define Newsletter Lists for Each Product

Define Newsletter Lists for Each Product

Specifically define the newsletter list on your product page. Admin can add more than one list and assign it to the product. Once the customer purchases the product, they will be asked to opt-in to your defined lists.

MailerLite Email Marketing for Easy Digital Download Image Gallery

We Accept All Major Credit Cards
Accepted payment methods include all Credit Cards and PayPal