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Site and Content Restriction - Membership Plugin for WordPress

WordPress Restricted Site Access: Plugin for Content Control

Maximize the capabilities of your content using our WordPress content gate solution and site access plugin. Decide who can access content based on user roles across your website.
Protect your premium content and deliver it only to approved users and tiered membership groups. Implement WordPress page restrictions, select specific post types and categories to lock, and precisely define your target audience.
Activate content dripping based on account age, manage access through specific dates, and exercise comprehensive or partial control over your content. These are just a few examples of the versatile features at your disposal.

Create Content Gates With our WordPress Plugin

Secure your premium work behind content gates which can be accessed only by authorized members. With the WordPress Site and Content Restriction plugin, you have the power to regulate which users can view specific posts or pages on your website, either by whitelisting permitted members or blocking access for blacklisted users.

Select the post type, category, or individual page you want to restrict access to, and customize the audience. Whether you want only logged-in users, administrators, or accounts created over 7 days ago to have access, you have complete control over the settings.

Creating Tiered Membership Plans on Your Website

WordPress Restrict Content Plugin acts as a content gate and supports full control over your WordPress content. It lets you restrict content by user role, user name, URL, list of pages or posts, and much more.

Manage private content on your WordPress Posts, Pages, Categories, URLs, Custom Posts, and even portions of a post's content using a shortcode.

Thanks to this plugin's content dripping functionality, you can deliver digital content to users gradually.

Lock certain users out of premium content

Gain Full Control Over WordPress Content

The page's content is partially hidden Would you like to freely choose what parts of your WordPress page should be restricted? You can choose between:

  1. Restricting content to all site content
  2. Showing part of the content to specific users by role or whitelist/blacklist
  3. Restricting part of the page content
  4. Dripping Content based on the time the user spends on your site
  5. Redirecting to another page when content access is blocked

Employing Content Gates for Better Conversions

You can open part of your WordPress site to visitors who are not logged in while leaving other pages to be accessible only to logged-in users or to registered users with specific WordPress user roles.

Our plugin gives you the ability to restrict particular posts as well as implement full WordPress page restrictions to website visitors who have yet to pay a subscription as an easy way to monetize premium content access within a private section on your membership site.

You can define requirements for joining the tiered membership to provide access to specific content based on the membership type.

Settings Options To Restrict Site Access to Content Based on Post Type

Restricting Site Access to Content by Specifying a List of URLs

Dashboard Controlling URL Access Rules The page restriction functionality of our WordPress plugin is easily configurable with many powerful features.

You can restrict access to content based on URLs that are generated by third-party plugins directly from the restrict content URL dashboard and apply restrictions on specific actions used within the third-party plugin.

For example, you can restrict users with certain subscriber roles from accessing content generated by a third-party plugin or viewing search results from external sources.

Adjusting Content Dripping Settings

Restrict access to your WordPress site for users until they have been actively engaged for a designated number of days. Configure distinct time constraints for each user role to tailor the access duration accordingly.

Choose a specific page users will be redirected to if they still don't have access.

For even more control over your WordPress content, set a timer on each post/page or any custom post type of your site.

Dripping content settings

Restricting Content Access by Specific Date or Period

Date/time restrictions Restrict pages or site sections by a specific time or date.

Define it for any post type, URL, category, or a specific post/page.

Restrict Content Access by Registration Date

Restrict access to post or pages which were published before the user registered.

Newly registered users will only be able to see content created on or after the registration date.

This method also support content dripping as the admin or editor can define the number of days after the registration date when a content will be revealed to the user.

Registration Date restrictions

Restrict Content by Post Date Creation

Post Date Creation Restriction You can manage user access based on their roles and the creation date of the posts. For each user role, you can specify the number of days that must pass after a post is created before they can access its content.

This ensures that non-logged-in users are automatically denied access to the content of that type.

Additionally, you can display a message to inform the user when the content will be accessible to him.

Restrict Content Based on its Category

Prevent users with certain roles from accessing certain categories of your content.

This applies to any post, page, or custom post type, even if third-party plugins created them.

Example: let only Authors view posts with the category 'Sensitive'.

Or hide special WooCommerce products from regular customers.

This is the best solution for content control on your WordPress site based on user membership type or user role.

Restricting view of WooCommerce product category

Restrict Access to Admin Dashboard and Toolbar

Admin Section Restriction Settings The WordPress restricted site access plugin offers the option to prevent users from accessing the back-end and allows them to hide the admin toolbar.

This feature can be useful as an additional security layer for your site.

Restricting Password Change

Our plugin allows you to restrict more than WordPress content. Use it to disable the ability to change the password specifically for each user.

Users will not be able to change it in their user profiles or by using the option for recovering passwords.

Disabling the Ability to Change the Password

Managing User Roles

User Roles Manager / Adding New User Role The plugin offers the tool to manage user roles on your WordPress website: create, edit, and delete user roles.

  1. Easily create new user roles, and edit basic user capabilities with a simple and user-friendly interface.
  2. Duplicate existing user roles and edit them according to your needs.
  3. Delete unnecessary user roles.
  4. Easily find which users are assigned to each role.

Restricted User Dashboard

Organize the content efficiently by creating a front-end user dashboard with multiple custom tabs. Add any number of tabs, add a title and content for each tab, and easily change the tabs order by just dragging-and-dropping them.

The content area accepts shortcodes and HTML formatting. Set up for each tab which user roles can see its content, ensuring users only see content relevant to their permissions.

Automatically redirect users to the user dashboard after they login to your site.

Supports 2 views: Tabs and Accordion.

Settings for creating User Dashboard

How To Restrict Content by User Role

  • Control WP Site Access – Easily restrict complete post content. Also supports private content restrictions for pages, custom posts, part of a post and any URL within your site
  • Content Drip Solution – Hide precious content from recently-created accounts. Instead, grant them access only a after a set amount of days
  • Restrict Content by Role – Open content only to specific WordPress roles and support several access levels of restriction. For example, you can restrict content to only Administrators, Editors and Authors
  • Gated Content WordPress Site – Give access to part of the content of a page or post to visitors while locking valuable content to members only
  • Site Lock Down – Protect your content and by creating private areas, access levels for post and pages
  • User Login and User Registration Support – Integrates with the User Registration plugin to provide easy user login and user registration

Access and Content Restriction Additional Resources

Access and Content Restriction Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin

Restrict Access Features

Allow Logged-in Users Only

Allow Logged-in Users Only

Choose whether the page or post should be open to registered users only for each page or post.

Restrict Access by Role

Restrict Access by Role

Set whether or not the page should be open to specific user roles only for each page or post.

Restrict Access by Dates

Restrict Access by Dates

Open the access to specific posts or pages for a specific day or period of time.

Restrict by Blacklist or Whitelist

Restrict by Blacklist or Whitelist

Limit content only to blacklisted users or show the content exclusively to whitelisted users.

Restrict Custom Post Types

Restrict Custom Post Types

Control the access to all posts of a specific custom post type.

Restrict Content Fully or Partially

Restrict Content Fully or Partially

Define how much content you want to restrict for your users: hide all content or show only some part of it.

Restrict Menu Items

Restrict Menu Items

Control the visibility of menu items for different user roles and depending on if they are logged in or not.

Restricted User Dashboard

Restricted User Dashboard

Create a user dashboard with custom tabs. Add any number of tabs and define what user roles can see each tab. The content area is highly customizable and accepts shortcodes and HTML. Supports 2 views: Tabs and Accordion.

Allow Guest Users Only

Allow Guest Users Only

Restrict content so that only non logged-in (guest) users can access specific pages or content.

Restrict by Category

Restrict by Category

Prevent certain user roles from accessing specific categories, including from posts, pages and custom post types.

Restrict by Account Age

Restrict by Account Age

Only allow access to accounts active for a certain number of days.

Post Date Creation Restriction

Post Date Creation Restriction

Manage user access by roles and post creation dates. Specify the number of days each user role must wait before accessing new content.

Restrict Content by Registration Date

Restrict by Registration Date

Newly registered users will only be able to see content created on or after their registration date.

URL Filtering

URL Filtering

Lock access to specific URLs, allowing you to restrict actions added by external plugins.

Exclude Blog Homepage

Exclude Blog Homepage

If you use the latest blogs as homepage, you can easily create an exception to make sure the homepage is not restricted.

Restrict Admin Section

Restrict Admin Section

Restrict access to the back-end of your site and hide the admin toolbar.

Redirect Features

Redirect Page

Redirect Page

Define a page users will be redirected to once they try to access content which is available for members only.

User Role Redirect Page

Select a redirect page users will be redirected to once they try to access content restricted to a different role.

Time Redirect Page

Time Redirect Page

Choose the page users will be redirected to if their account hasn’t hit the necessary number of days from creation.

Extra Tools

Role Editor

User Roles Editor

Easily create, duplicate and delete user roles. Edit basic user capabilities with a simple and user-friendly interface.

Shortcode Support

Shortcode Support

Use the shortcode with different parameters for more accurate limiting the access within the post/page.

Quick Edit

Support quick edit functionality so “ad hoc pages” can also be edited to add access restrictions. This is useful for 3rd party plugins.

Prevent Password Change

Prevent Password Change

Disable the ability for users to changes their passwords.

Edit Denied Message

Edit Denied Message

Display any text, in any language, when users are denied access.

Bulk Update

Update multiple access restrictions to post and pages at once.


Registration and Login


Integrate the User Registration and Invitation Codes to allow easy login and registration. Control the fields in your registration forms by role. Offer registration by invitation code, same page login and many other powerful features.

Invitation Codes

Prevent Password Change

Integrate with Invitation Code Content Access for enhanced content control. You can allow users to access the specific restricted content using invitation codes.

Content Restriction Plugin Plans and Pricing

Price includes 1 year support/updates. Manual renewal with 40% discount, not a subscription $49 $99 $149
Number of Websites / License Activations 1310
Restrict access to registered users IncludedIncludedIncluded
Restrict access by role IncludedIncludedIncluded
Restrict access by URL IncludedIncludedIncluded
Restrict access by custom post type IncludedIncludedIncluded
Restrict portions of content in post IncludedIncludedIncluded
Restrict access by account age (Content dripping) IncludedIncludedIncluded
Restrict by User Blacklist IncludedIncludedIncluded
Restrict by User Whitelist IncludedIncludedIncluded
Date restrictions IncludedIncludedIncluded
Restrict access by category IncludedIncludedIncluded
Restrict by joining date IncludedIncludedIncluded
Post date creation restriction IncludedIncludedIncluded
Choose the restriction type IncludedIncludedIncluded
Restrict dashboard access IncludedIncludedIncluded
Hide admin bar IncludedIncludedIncluded
Restricted User Dashboard IncludedIncludedIncluded
Redirect-to for when users are not logged-in IncludedIncludedIncluded
Redirect when role doesn’t match requirement IncludedIncludedIncluded
Time redirect page IncludedIncludedIncluded
Menu items control IncludedIncludedIncluded
Bulk update access settings IncludedIncludedIncluded
User role manager IncludedIncludedIncluded
Customize denied message IncludedIncludedIncluded
Prevent password change IncludedIncludedIncluded
Shortcode support IncludedIncludedIncluded
CM Registration Plugin IncludedIncludedIncluded
CM Invitation Code Content Access Plugin IncludedIncludedIncluded
CM Registration Plugin Not includedIncludedIncluded
Payment support Not includedNot includedIncluded
Approve users after registration Not includedNot includedIncluded
Send invitation in bulk emails Not includedNot includedIncluded
Product Knowledge Base Included Included Included
Priority email support Included Included Included
Product updates Included Included Included
Number of Websites / License Activations 1310
Price includes 1 year support/updates. Manual renewal with 40% discount, not a subscription $49 $99 $149

WordPress Access and Content Restriction Plugin Related Use Cases

Access and Content Restriction WordPress Plugin Use Cases

  • Exclusive Club – Create a website and lock your work behind a content gate to make it accessible to paid members only. When a guest tries to access the premium content, he/she will be redirected to the “Join Now” page
  • Tiered Membership – Use this subscription plugin to grant limited access to new users, locking sections of certain posts or pages. Users with membership subscriptions will see the complete content
  • Content Dripping – Only allow new users to see the forum page 7 days (or any other number of days) after registration
  • Menu Items Visibility – The plugin enables you to restrict menu items to different user roles depending on whether they are logged in or not

Access and Content Restriction Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin

How do I block (or unblock) an individual post?

Is there a registration and login widget without the CM Registration plugin?

Can access be restricted to logged-in users?

Can I restrict only certain URLs or pages of my site?

Can the content restriction be applied to specific WordPress roles?

Can I restrict access to certain pages for a specific period of time?

Can the content restriction be applied to specific Custom Post Types?

Can I prevent only new accounts from accessing parts of my site? (Content drip)

I use a plugin that has categories. Can I restrict access to those?

Can I show or hide specific menu items for different users?

Access and Content Restriction Demo

To see the major features of the Access and Content Restriction Plugin, visit our demo site.

WordPress Access and Content Restriction Demo

Access and Content Restriction Plugin Image Gallery

Access and Content Restriction Reviews

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