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Product Directory Payments Add-On for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Product Directory Payments Add-On for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Supports charging payment for publishing a new product directory listing or renewing an existing one.

Requires CM Product Directory Pro.

WordPress Version
5.4.0 or Higher
Tested up to
WordPress 6.7.X
June 8, 2024
5.7 - 8.2.X

Product Directory Payments Add-On

The WordPress Product Directory Payments Add-On allows admin to set a price for listing a new product or renewing an existing one.

When adding a new product, the user will receive an email with a payment link. Once the link is clicked, the user will be taken to the cart to complete the payment.

Cart System Supporting Payments

The cart system used by the Product Directory Payments are either WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads, which has more than 50 available payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, Skrill, 2Checkout and many more. Showing cart containing the payment for product submission

Using the Product Directory Payments Add-On

  • Pay for New Listings – Charge users for submitting new listings in a directory
  • Pay for Listing Renewals – Automatically charge users for renewing existing listings
  • Pay for Claiming a Product – Charge users for claiming an existing product in the directory

Product Directory Payments Prerequisite Plugin

This Add-On is a supplement for the Product Directory Plugin that lets users submit and manage their own listings within the product directory.

Product Directory Payments Plugin Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Define a recurring or one-time payment for adding a new product.
Send users an email with payment link based on an admin defined template.
Define a payment amount for renewing an existing product.
Send users an email reminder for product listing payment renewal.
Payment is based on WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads: you can use all Woo or EDD additional extensions including payment gateways, discount codes, overall discounts, abandon cart reminder, and more.
Supports changing all labels related to the listing payment.

Product Directory Payments Plugin Frequently Asked Questions

What payment methods does this add-on work with?

Can coupon codes be created to discount paying for Product Listings?

How do I set the price of paying for a Product Listing?

Is it possible to show a limited version of Product Listings until site visitors have paid for the full access?

Can I use this to charge my site users for renewal of a product listing with recurring payments?

I want to install the Product Directory Community add-on to allow users to upload products to the listing, can this allow me to charge them for this?

What can I charge my site visitors / potential product listing owners for?

We Accept All Major Credit Cards
Accepted payment methods include all Credit Cards and PayPal