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Blog Visual Widgets Plugin for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Blog Visual Widgets Plugin for WordPress by CreativeMinds

The WordPress Blog Widgets plugin introduces a set of visually engaging and creative blog widgets designed to highlight your tags and categories effectively.

WordPress Blog Widgets Plugin Description

WordPress Blog Widgets Plugin adds 5 sidebar custom widgets which are easily configured and help expose the content of your blog posts in many visually engaging ways.

Creative Blog Widgets

Each WordPress widget is designed to adjust itself to your WordPress theme

And since they are fun to play with, they also contribute to the overall user experience of your site's blog.

Example of a dynamic bubble widget

WordPress Visual Blog Widgets Included

Example of a color tag widget

  1. Blog Dynamic Cloud- Shows a cloud of Blog Categories or Tags (shortcode available)
  2. Blog Word Cloud- Shows a Color cloud of Blog Categories or Tags (shortcode available)
  3. Blog Single Random Post- Shows a single random post short description
  4. Blog Color Cloud- Shows a Color cloud of Blog Categories or Tags
  5. Blog Bubble Chart- Shows a Bubble Chart of Blog Categories or Tags (shortcode available)

Creative Widgets Shortcodes

On top of the blog widgets, this WordPress widgets plugin also supports 3 shortcodes that allow you to display the widgets visual content on any page or post on your site.

Learn more about it in our guide: CM Blog Widgets (CMBW) - Shortcodes.

Example of a dynamic word hash widget

Visual Blog Widgets Use Case Examples

  • News & Persona Blog Website – Increase user engagement and content readability with eye catchy terms and categories.
  • Landing Content Page – Create a visually stunning landing page showcasing terms and categories that matter to you.

Visual Blog Widgets Additional Resources

WordPress Visual Blog Widgets Plugin Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Bubble Chart Widget

Bubble Chart Widget

Display a bubble chart of categories or tags.

Word Cloud Widget

Word Cloud Widget

Display a word cloud of categories or tags.

Single Random Post Widget

Single Random Post Widget

Display a link to a single random post with a short description.

Add Widgets To Pages

Include widgets in any page or post.

Interactive Widgets

All visual widgets are interactive and direct users to relevant pages when clicked.

Dynamic Cloud Widget

Dynamic Cloud Widget

Display a dynamic cloud of categories or tags.

Color Cloud Widget

Color Cloud Widget

Display a color cloud of categories or tags.

Shortcodes Support

Shortcodes Support

Use shortcodes to insert word cloud, dynamic cloud or bubble chart to any place in posts or pages.

Add Widgets To Sidebar

Include widgets in the sidebar or footer.


All widgets can be customized in terms of appearance and functionality.

Available Widgets

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Visual Blog Widgets – Dynamic Clouds

Dynamic clouds offer a way to get familiar and experience the terms / categories or tags related to your content. The visual tool takes parameters such as the maximum number of terms and the type of content to display (tags or categories)

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Once used as a shortcode, width of the display area can be set as well. Clicking on any word in the cloud takes the user to the page which represents that word- whether tag or category- where all related posts are listed for easy navigation

CM Blog Widget Dynamic Cloud

Visual Blog Widgets – Word Clouds

Word clouds are very widely used these days and bring a fresh way to look at content. Some well known websites such as Wordle are offering a “do it yourself“ word cloud, made up of text that you provide them.

The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text, whereas the size of the word is defined by the amount of times it is referenced within the blog.

Once used as a shortcode user can also set the width of the display area as shown in here. Clicking on any word in the cloud takes the user to the page which represents that word- whether tag or category- where all related posts are listed for easy navigation.

CM Blog Widget Word Cloud

Visual Blog Widgets – Bubble Graph

Bubble graph is a way to represent diversity and the importance of one tag or a category present in your blog. In the case of the widget used in this plugin, the size of the bubble is defined by the number of times it appears in the blog.

Once used as a shortcode, users can set the width of the display area as shown bellow. Clicking on any bubble takes the user to the page which represents this category or term.

CM Blog Widget Bubble Chart

Visual Blog Widgets Image Gallery

Visual Blog Widgets Plugin Demo


Blog Widgets Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

How does the random post widget work?

Can I add my tag cloud anywhere I want?

Can I use more than one widget at the same time?

Can the widgets be implemented using shortcodes?

Customer Reviews for the Plugin

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