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Registration Approve New Users Add-on for WordPress

Registration Approve New Users Add-on for WordPress

The Approve New Users Add-on lets admins manually moderate user registrations, approving or rejecting each user with customizable notification messages.
WordPress Version
5.4.0 or Higher
Tested up to
WordPress 6.7.X
June 8, 2024
5.7 - 8.2.X

Registration Approve New Users Add-on Description

The Registration Approve New Users Add-on for WordPress supports moderating users registration and approving each user manually.

Registration Approval by WordPress Administrator

The add-on gives the administrator the ability to moderate who can register to the site by manually approving each new user registration.

This solution grants the admin much needed control over the membership of his/her website.

Setting screen showing notification setting

Learn How to Moderate Registrations

Dashboard to moderate all registration requests We show how to set up the user registration moderation system, step by step!

Registration Approve New Users Related Use Case

Registration Approve New Users Prerequisite Plugin

You need to have the CM Registration and Invitation Codes Pro installed before using this add-on

Registration Approve New Users Add-on Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Restrict Membership – The admin can better control the signup process of the website by filtering undesired or unqualified users
Email Notifications – Customizable New User Registration emails can be sent to Admin, Non-Admin users, or even Email Addresses not registered as users on the site
Moderators – change the email address that is used for the moderator or even set several moderators
Easy Approval/Rejection – Moderators can accept or reject users directly from their email, as soon as they receive the request
Rejection Email – enable or disable email messages to inform users their application was rejected
Rich Emails – Every email template can be customized with HTML and dynamic placeholders

Registration Approve New Users Gallery

Registration Approve New Users Add-ons

Registration Approve New Users Frequently Asked Questions

What benefit does this add-on offer?

Can the moderator for new users be set manually?

How does the Customer know when the admin has finally approved their registration?

Can the email that is sent to the site admin be customized?

Can the notification emails that are sent to users be customized?

How does the site admin approve a new user?

We Accept All Major Credit Cards
Accepted payment methods include all Credit Cards and PayPal