Header and Footer Script Loader Plugin for WordPress by CreativeMinds

Header and Footer Script Loader Plugin for WordPress by CreativeMinds

The Header and Footer Plugin empowers you to manage additional scripts and styles on your WordPress site. This Script Loader plugin is designed to enhance site load time and page speed.

Header and Footer Script Plugin Description

The Header and Footer Script plugin allows you to add, manage and control additional scripts and styles on your WordPress site. Control where, when and to whom each script will load.

Add JavaScript, CSS, PHP, and HTML scripts to be loaded in the header, footer, before the content, after the content, or after the body tag has loaded. Choose if each script will be loaded on desktop, mobile devices or both.

It’s the best script manager plugin for WordPress, offering flexibility and ease of use.

Insert Headers and Footers and Configure Each Script

The Header & Footer plugin lets you pre-load all scripts and styles or choose which will be loaded automatically or manually in each page and post.

All scripts are shown in a single dashboard, making it easy to manage, edit and delete them.

The WordPress header and footer plugin allows manual override of the default settings per each post with the use of a metabox.

Setting screen showing specific script settings

Control Script Load on Each Post

Metabox screen shown when editing the post Users can control what should be loaded within each post in the post edit screen.

This one of the best header and footer plugins for WordPress. It makes it easy to add scripts or styles across your WordPress site and also support custom posts.

Device Support

Choose the device type that the rule will be applied to. Choose between:

  1. All Devices
  2. Desktop
  3. Mobile

Choosing the Device Type for the Rule

Timeframe Support

Adding Timeframe Set specific time intervals when the script should be active.

Define a schedule for each script by adding multiple intervals.

Using the Header and Footer Script Plugin

  • Control Site Scripts – Easily add or replace various scripts and styles to your WordPress site
  • Selective Loading Per Post – Target scripts and styles to specific posts or groups of custom posts
  • Reduce Script Load – Reduce the amount of scripts loaded throughout the site
  • Post to specific URL Pattern – Target scripts to load on a specific URL or URL pattern
  • Device support – Load script on a Mobile or Desktop or both

Header and Footer Plugin Use Case Examples

  • Style – Add advanced CSS styles to product pages of a certain category.
  • Tracking Codes – Easily add Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics snippets to selected pages.

Header and Footer Script Plugin Related Use Cases

Header and Footer Script Plugin Additional Resources

Header and Footer Script WordPress Plugin Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Choose Script Type

Choose Script Type

Choose what type of script to create – CSS, JS, PHP or HTML.

Choose Where to Load Scripts

Choose Where to Load Scripts

Per each script type you can decide if to upload it in the header section (before the body tag), after the opening body tag, in the footer section (before the closing body tag), before or after the content.

Load On All Posts and Pages

Load On All Posts and Pages

You can choose to load the script by default on all posts and pages of your site.

Target Script by URL

Target Script by URL

Target a script or style to load on a specific URL or a group of URLs even if you can not edit the page of this URL.

Target Script by Post Categories

Target Script by Post Categories

You can target scripts and styles to posts that belong to selected categories.

Don’t Load by Default

Don't Load by Default

You can choose to not load scripts on all posts and pages by default.

Override Global Settings for Each Post

Override Global Settings for Each Post

In each post you have a metabox from which you can control which script or style is loaded on your WordPress website, overriding the global settings.

Edit Headers & Footer Content

Edit Headers & Footer Content

Create and load custom scripts and content in headers or footers of your site pages.

Timeframe Support

Timeframe Support

Define the schedule when the script should load or pause.

Load on Homepage

Load on Homepage

You can choose to load the script on the homepage of your website.

Target by Post Type

Target by Post Type

You can target scripts and styles to specific post types, including custom post types.

Target Script by Post Tags

Target Script by Post Tags

You can target scripts and styles to posts that belong to selected tags.

Target by Device

Target by Device

You can target desktop only devices, mobile only or both for each script you set.

Filter Scripts

Filter Scripts

Filter the list of scripts by type for easier management in the metabox.

Simple Header Footer Script Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

How many scripts can the plugin manage?

Can I manage also CSS code?

Can I specify which posts type I want to add scripts to?

Can I specify which specific post I want to add scripts to?

Will additional scripts slow down my WordPress site?

Header and Footer Script Image Gallery

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