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WordPress Email Tools and Mail SMTP Plugin by CreativeMinds

Email Tools: WordPress SMTP Plugin

Configure your WordPress website mail gateway to easily send emails using your preferred SMTP server.
This SMTP WP plugin supports logging sent emails, external SMTP service integration, multiple gateway configurations, and more.

WordPress SMTP Service Plugin

Easily configure, send, and manage emails in WordPress with the WP Mail SMTP plugin from CreativeMinds.

Email deliverability is an important factor for everyday business communication. Eliminate problems sending emails in WordPress by using our mail Gateway plugin. It makes the process of sending and managing emails easier than ever.

Simple SMTP Configuration

A lightweight WordPress SMTP gateway service that reconfigures the inbuilt wp_mail()function.

The WordPress Mail SMTP plugin is the best solution to handle all your outgoing emails which are sent from your WordPress site via a WP MAIL SMTP gateway with SMTP authentication.

Email Tools SMTP Gateway Profiles

Controlling Your SMTP Gateway

Email Tools Main Settings Screen The user friendly email tools WP Mail SMTP plugin supports WordPress SMTP integration and external SMTP Mailer Integration.

You can also log all outgoing emails sent from your WordPress and switch between several available SMTP service gateways.

The email gateway plugin supports sending email in WordPress via a preferred SMTP server. You can define several SMTP service gateway profiles and choose the active one.

What Is SMTP?

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a communication protocol to transfer emails over the Internet. Sending WordPress emails can sometimes be problematic as you can wind up banned or blocked by mail gateways.

Additionally, it's crucial to consider the configuration of the server hosting your WordPress site, ensuring it is properly set up to handle outgoing emails.

The WordPress default uses the PHP mail() function or the PHP wp_mail() function leading to trouble sending mail successfully.

PHPMailer Settings during sending the e-mail

The Importance of a SMTP Server

Sending Test Email A lot of WordPress hosting providers have email servers that are not configured the right way for sending PHP emails. These hosting server issues can cause a variety of email problems such as delays and interruptions. This can have a huge detrimental affect on your business communication.

Consider our Email Gateway WordPress Plugin as a middleman between WordPress and an SMTP server. You simply point it to the desired SMTP server and the Gateway plugin bypasses the WordPress Mail Function and connects you to your desired SMTP host.

Setting up an SMTP Gateway

Upon installing the Email Tools WP Mail SMTP Mailer plugin, you are communicating directly through a defined authorized SMTP service gateway and bypassing your server while solving potential issues which might result in your sent mail being blocked, marked as spam or not being sent.

You should configure your SMTP host, SMTP port, choose SSL / TLS encryption, define your SMTP username and password, SMTP authentication, define the mail header and mail priority.

The SMTP Plugin also includes an SMTP testing tool to test the SMTP status and that it's performing as expected.

Setting Screen for an SMTP service Gateway

Setting Sender Info

Setting a sender name and email for an SMTP Config Preset The plugin allows to define the name and email of the sender.

You can either set default sender name and email in plugin settings, or set specifically for each SMTP Config Preset, so you can easily switch them in case if you need to send emails using different sender data.

Email Log

The plugin can log every outgoing email.

This will help you to easily monitor if there any issues with delivering your emails.

Email Log Details

SMTP Fallback Server

Fallback Settings The plugin support setting a SMTP Fallback server. In case of an error while sending an email, the fallback SMTP server will send the message instead of the designated server.

The admin can also receive an email notification with the report about the error.

How to configure SMTP and send emails in WordPress

Send emails from WordPress the easy and correct way, prevent abuse and spam, increase email deliverability and skip troubleshooting.

The plugin is perfectly suited for Beginner WordPress Users with its simple customization options. We also include an easy to follow step-by-step explanation for how to set up the Mail SMTP Gateway Plugin.

  • Preferred SMTP Method Selection – Define your preferred SMTP gateway for sending email in WordPress
  • Multiple MAIL SMTP Profiles – Create several SMTP gateway profiles
  • Audit and Logging – Log outgoing emails to track potential issues or audit
  • Customize Mail Headers – Configure your outgoing email structure, mail headers and priority
  • Secure your Sent Emails – Avoid lost emails, emails marked as spam and more issues with sent emails not being delivered

Mail SMTP Plugin Use Case Example

  • Membership / Ecommerce Business – Involves a lot of email automation and communication with users. The top priority is that every single email arrives in your user inbox.

WordPress Mail SMTP Plugin Additional Resources

WordPress Email Tools and Mail SMTP Plugin Features

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Email and SMTP Features

Use SMTP Account to Send WordPress Emails

Use SMTP Account to Send WordPress Emails

Specify a SMTP account profile to use from a list of available profiles. You can switch at any time to a different profile is needed.

Proper Authentication

Proper Authentication

Choose whether or not to use SMTP authentication for each defined SMTP profile.

Multiple SMTP Profiles

Multiple SMTP Profiles

Supports multiple SMTP server profiles. This is useful in cases when you need to switch between servers due to quota issues or other issues. You can also maintain a fall back profile to be used once the selected profile is not responding.

Control Mail Headers

Control Mail Headers

Option to change default mail headers. For example choose the sender name and override WordPress default settings.

Password Encryption

Support for password encryption for each defined SMTP profile.



Choose SSL/TLS encryption for each defined SMTP profile.

Username and Password Settings

Username and Password Settings

Specify an SMTP username and password for each defined SMTP profile.

Priority Settings

Priority Settings

Options to set SMTP priority. This is needed when the SMTP service is delayed by other WordPress plugins pushing tasks higher in the priority.

Return Email Address

Return Email Address

Support for return path email address.

Free SMTP and Paid SMTP email service compatible

Pair Our WordPress SMTP Plugin with a paid SMTP service such as MailGun, SendGrid or Amazon SES to send Mass Emails from WordPress, or go with a free SMTP service to simply increase email deliverability.

Troubleshooting Tools

Avoid Trouble Sending Email

Avoid Trouble Sending Email

Bypassing the default WordPress, PHP mail function for sending WordPress email and sending via an SMTP server with proper SMTP authentication will increase email deliverability.

Diagnostic Tools

Diagnostic Tools

Test the communication between WordPress and the SMTP server of your selected profile.

Log Outgoing Emails

Log Outgoing Emails

The most advanced tool to log the outgoing emails and the SMTP client-server messages. This is helpful to troubleshoot issues when sending emails

SMTP Fallback Server Support

SMTP Fallback Server Support

Specify the fallback server profile in case if the main server fails to send the message.

WordPress Email Tools Plugin Plans and Pricing

Price includes 1 year support/updates. Manual renewal with 40% discount, not a subscription $29 $99 $149
Number of Websites / License Activations 1310
SMTP Configuration IncludedIncludedIncluded
Encryption IncludedIncludedIncluded
Proper Authentication IncludedIncludedIncluded
Username and Password Settings IncludedIncludedIncluded
Multiple SMTP Profiles IncludedIncludedIncluded
Password Encryption IncludedIncludedIncluded
Control Mail Headers IncludedIncludedIncluded
Return Email Address IncludedIncludedIncluded
Priority Settings IncludedIncludedIncluded
Avoid Trouble Sending Email IncludedIncludedIncluded
Log Outgoing Emails IncludedIncludedIncluded
Diagnostic Tools IncludedIncludedIncluded
SMTP Fallback Server Support IncludedIncludedIncluded
Amazon SES IncludedIncludedIncluded
Free SMTP and Paid SMTP Email Service Compatible IncludedIncludedIncluded
CM Admin Toolset Plugin Not includedIncludedIncluded
CM Search & Replace Plugin Not includedNot includedIncluded
CM Registration and Invitation Codes Plugin Not includedNot includedIncluded
CM Email Blacklist Registration Plugin Not includedNot includedIncluded
CM HTTPS SSL Plugin Not includedNot includedIncluded
Product Knowledge Base Included Included Included
Priority email support Included Included Included
Product updates Included Included Included
Number of Websites / License Activations 1310
Price includes 1 year support/updates. Manual renewal with 40% discount, not a subscription $29 $99 $149

WordPress Email Tools and Mail SMTP Image Gallery

Back-end Gallery

WordPress Mail SMTP Plugin Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the user guide to learn more about this plugin.

Can I use this plugin to send email via Gmail / Google Apps?

Does the SMTP plugin have multisite support?

Does this plugin keep track of sent emails?

Do I need a username/password for the SMTP gateway?

Can I use several accounts for sending emails from different contact form?

Customer Reviews for the WordPress Email Plugin

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